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[杀毒] playwk

一种非破坏性病毒,由真正的kwellercat制造,用于娱乐。这是一个windowkill 2挑战,它让你玩游戏5分钟,然后让你关闭它。
A non-destructive virus, made by real-kwellercat for fun. It s a windowkill 2 challenge, which makes you play the game for 5 minutes and then lets you close it. (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] Bit-Man

Bit Man是一款2D迷宫游戏,玩家必须在迷宫中找到防病毒软件,同时避免计算机病毒,并在计算机完全感染之前使用防病毒软件杀死病毒。
Bit Man is a 2D maze game where the player must find the antivirus in a maze while avoiding computer viruses and use the antivirus to kill the viruses before the computer becomes completely infected. (2024-01-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] Go-Corona-go

A mini-game project developed using Python. I have used the PyGame library and designed my fun game features accordingly. While playing the game, users can move the sanitizer-bottle (main character) and shoot droplets of water to kill corona viruses, which are radomly spawned in the game screen. (2023-12-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] test

监控杀毒软件升级 主要是360 自己平时做着玩的
Monitoring anti-virus software upgrade (2012-08-28, Python, 2KB, 下载6次)
