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[Windows编程] 用Python玩转数据

Python tutorial on data processing, for learning and research. (2021-03-04, Python, 27767KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 实验修改版3 (1)

According to the given data, try to answer the following question through data mining algorithm: use random tree, random forest to predict whether a given sample is sick or not. (data needs to be visualized, and the performance of the model needs to be cross validated from multiple perspectives) (2020-12-30, Python, 166KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] test

本软件通过电脑操作手机并进行图像识别实现功能。 根据手机分辨率不同有不同的准确度表现,建议自己截图man.jpg 通过支付宝导入的手机通讯录名单来判断联系人性别(为了提高速度只判断是否男性或无性别数据)用到了airtest以及常见的opencv等组件,python版本要求3.6。联系人更换频率过高或者同一批联系人数量过多都会被支付宝判定异常锁联系人一个月,正常使用没事。 声明:仅供娱乐教学交流使用,请勿用于商业/违法行为。
The software operates the mobile phone by computer and realizes the function of image recognition. The gender of mobile phone is estimated by mail list of Alipay imported. To speed up the judgement, only male or no gender data is used, airtest and common opencv components are used. The python version requires 3.6. If the contact frequency is too high or the number of contacts in the same batch is too much, it will be one month for Alipay to determine the abnormal lock contacts. Statement: it is only for entertainment, teaching and communication. Please do not use it for business / illegal activities. (2020-04-21, Python, 17KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] CNN_Gesture-master

Gesture recognition based on convolutional neural network (2020-03-18, Python, 7KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] TDLAS_py

TDLAS Imaging Algorithms, including Ford Curve Fitting and Spectral Analysis (2019-07-16, Python, 93KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] 体育

Sports, Entertainment, Economy, Culture, Tourism, Games, Science and Technology Data Set Data Analysis Modeling Machine Learning (2019-04-09, Python, 41KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] basin hopping

BASIN HOPPING CODE, really efficient and useful. Everyone should try it and thank me (2018-06-01, Python, 1214KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] winter1516_assignment2

Standford CS231n second job code (2017-12-05, Python, 106KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] GameDevelopmentWithPygame

你有没有打开过你计算机的机箱呢?你会发现你的机器由很多部件组成。视频卡产生图形,发射数字信号到 处理者。声卡把声音信号混合后送到扬声器。同样,键盘、鼠标等其他这些输入设备,是游戏必要的使用设备。在家用电脑的出现的早期,程序员必须了解计算机的 每个元件。游戏程序员必须阅读每个计算机设备的技术文档,并编写驱动程序来通信。这种情形变得越来越坏,当不同的计算机厂商生产出不同的设备时。由于兼容 性问题,游戏程序在想进入游戏市场时遇到了很多的问题,这些问题同样也给游戏玩家带来了很多问题。当微软窗口操作系统出现的时候,他们提供了一种简单的方 式来与设备通信。这就意味着程序员可以抛弃技术手册了,因为厂家提供了驱动程序,并且这些驱动可以直接被调用用来在操作系统和硬件之间的通信。即使是这 样,编写游戏同样还是挺困难的。但是幸运的是,Pygame的出现使我们没必要担心细节。
Have you ever open your computer chassis? You ll find out your machine composed of many parts. Have a graphic video card, to transmit a digital signal Handler. Sound card sound signals after mixing to the speaker. Similarly, keyboard, mouse and other input devices that use of the equipment, the game is necessary. In the early home computer, the programmer must know the computer For each component. Game programmers must read technical documents for each computer equipment, and the preparation of the driver to communication. This situation becomes more and more bad, when different computer manufacturers of different devices. Because of compatibility Problem, game program to enter the game market encountered a lot of problems, these problems for game players also brings a lot of problems. When there is Microsoft windows operating system, they provide a simple square To communicate with the device. Which means programmers can be abandoned in the technical manual, because manufacturers (2015-05-16, Python, 4579KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] webobtain

Information for web crawling, did not see the classification of python, so classified in the network below, the next viable linux, windows did not try (2014-06-05, Python, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] suduko

A python language Sudoku, you can direct output to excel in the play. This is characteristic. (2012-05-19, Python, 3KB, 下载15次)
