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[其他智力游戏] Eaglercraft-Math-Game

老版本的雷神争霸供大家玩。不知道谁制作了原作,但我从https:github.com svaaps-eagler下载了这个…
Old version of minecraft for everyone to play. No clue who made the original, but I downloaded this from https: github.com svaaps eagler… (2024-01-23, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] 见缝插针CeBall

"HTML5 game, as the name suggests to try it, very fun. (2018-01-29, HTML, 16KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] flocking-simulation-in-sketch

A game played on a web page of big fish eating fish (2017-10-10, HTML, 4KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] Tetris

Tetris Everyone Played, write your own. Your reference. (2013-06-20, HTML, 16KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] dagez

最新世界语单词打字游戏闪亮登场,彻底改变了传统的学习方法, 让你在玩中学会世界语,在最短的时间内轻松学会2000多个世界 语基础词汇,极大地提高了学习兴趣。游戏中所有单词均在世界 语基础词库中随机产生,常玩此游戏对记忆世界语单词有很大的 帮助。游戏已进行了五次升级,现已拥有世汉双语显示,世界语 采用漂亮的帽子字符显示。该游戏规则简单一看就会,当发现打 错时,可以按空格或回车重新选择目标单词,遇有戴帽子的字符 请用“x”表示,如用“cx”代替“cxo”如此类推。该游戏设有 “老板来了”快捷键,游戏过程中只要按一下“ESC”游戏马上 退出!够为你着想了吧!
latest Esperanto words Brightly typing game, and thoroughly change the traditional approach to learning let you learn to play in Esperanto, in the shortest possible time Relax more than 2,000 Esperanto Society based vocabulary, greatly enhanced the interest in learning. All games in Esperanto words are based on randomly generated thesaurus, often playing this game right memory Esperanto words are a great help. Game has conducted five escalation, and now owns the world-Chinese bilingual, the language of the label used beautiful character display. The rules of the game will see a simple, and when they have made, in accordance with spaces or carriage return re-targeted words, In wear the hat of the characters please use the "x", as "cx" instead of "cxo" so on and (2006-09-16, HTML, 154KB, 下载17次)
