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[文章/文档] tabsrch

仓库管理中,总共存有有关库存品的编号、名称、数量、价格等情况的表格,根据用户提供的编号可以找到有关的材料。假设表格中共有6种库存品,表格的格式为: STOKTAB DB '05',‘Excavators’ '08', 'lifters ……   试编写一程序,根据用户提供的编号在终端上显示其名称。
Warehouse management, there are about a total inventory number, name, quantity, price, etc. of the table, according to numbers provided by the user can find related materials. Suppose the table a total of six kinds of inventory, the table format: STOKTAB DB ' 05 ' ,' Excavators' ' 08 ' ,' lifters ... ... try to prepare a program, according to numbers provided by the user terminal to display its name. (2010-01-18, Asm, 1KB, 下载4次)
