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[其他] Eternal

欢迎来到ETERNAL,这是一款由ETERNAL团队为IIT Mandi组织的game Jam Hackathon开发的激动人心的游戏。在这场快节奏的冒险中,玩家潜入了一个时间碎片化、现实扭曲的世界。作为一名勇敢的探险家,你必须通过富有挑战性的谜题,克服可怕的障碍,进入永恒的境界
Welcome to ETERNAL, a thrilling game developed by Team ETERNAL for the Game Jam Hackathon organized by IIT Mandi. In this fast-paced adventure, players dive into a world where time is fragmented, and reality is twisted. As a brave explorer, you must navigate through challenging puzzles, overcome formidable obstacles, and enter into Eternal Realm (2024-04-09, Rich Text Format, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] try_one

try one (2024-01-25, Rich Text Format, 0KB, 下载0次)
