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按分类查找All 游戏(6) 
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[游戏] DungeonDuelists

Dungeon Duelists is a roguelike deck building game where players collect and manage a team of monsters to battle their way through a series of dangerous dungeons. (2023-05-13, Game Maker Language, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] community_game

A game im working on lol (2020-01-06, Game Maker Language, 984KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] shortest_adventure_git

this is just some game I made in under 24 for some lols. mark zucc is the final boss! runs on gms2.2 (2020-11-03, Game Maker Language, 2431KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Adventure_Tim-e-

2D side scrolling ‘rage’ game where the player must fight through enemies and traps to defeat the final boss. Requires the player to actively engage with the game by learning trap locations so they can avoid them next run. (2019-10-30, Game Maker Language, 9639KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] cs108-tgtbtm

一款桌面、幻想主题的纸牌游戏,具有RPG元素,内置game Maker。每场比赛最多支持四名玩家。
A table-top, fantasy-themed card game with RPG elements, built in Game Maker. Supports up to four players per game. (2017-04-14, Game Maker Language, 15241KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Senior-Project-Online-Card-Game-Stimulator-

Created With Gamemaker Studio, this project was created in a group of 4 student including me. This project will focus on giving users an authentic card game experience. It will not enforce any rules of its own; it is up to the user to follow the rules of the specific game being played---or to make their own rules. By enabling online multiplayer,... (2019-12-06, Game Maker Language, 18005KB, 下载0次)
