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[Unreal] Chimeraspace

该项目需要一个名为“黑猩猩空间”的练习射击场项目,用户可以通过射击目标来瞄准训练,测试不同的枪支和枪支附件,对抗各种敌人,并测试不同的玩家移动和战斗能力。由于最近的Unity更改,此项目暂停。到Unreal Engine 5的传输挂起。
This project entails a practice shooting range project called "Chimeraspace", where the user can aim train by shooting targets, test out different guns and gun attachments, fight various enemies, and test out different player movement and combat abilities. This project is paused due to recent Unity changes. A transfer to Unreal Engine 5 is pending. (2024-01-29, ShaderLab, 0KB, 下载0次)
