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按平台查找All Borland C++(3) 

[Windows编程] GUI-swktch

A super-entertainment game, very fun! Scores and levels are unlimited, you can enjoy music while fighting! (2019-04-07, Borland C++, 541KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] lottery

Pick Fucai write their own assistants, a long time ago to write, but I have been in use, each of whom felt ACCESS database, some people may Tingyou useful. (2009-11-10, Borland C++, 5881KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] QQiPPro

"confusion arena," a free people line games, the game supports multiple connections with the players in a scene militia, for itself and PK, the game set a 4000* 4000 and the size of the scenes have a total of 43 different skills monster. a large number of monster populated area for players for itself, but also a strong team player for a monster challenge, such as the upland God of War, Heilonggang. Wu Yao, a monster is divided into four types, namely the magic type, the soldiers type, strength-shooter, shooter-type magic, have different skills, and abilities of balance, players can choose game-loving roles, games done very well in testing, the balance have done a lot of hard work, a strong buzz, plus gorgeous magic effects, dynamic music and movements, to facilitate the establis (2006-07-28, Borland C++, 224KB, 下载18次)
