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[DSP编程] DSP_Exp1

1、 学习Matlab最有效的方式是自己动手以及经常查Help。 2、 遇到不很确定的函数或者操作,最好的办法就是自己建一个测试矩阵然后试一下,不会对数据产生不好的影响,也十分直观,因为很多细节老师也不会很清楚。 3、 养成用Editer编程的好习惯,最好结构化编程,经常使用自建的函数,使得代码清晰易查错。 4、 自己给自己加注释,运行程序时可以先试着一行一行运行,看一下每一行的输出是否与预期相同等等,出错的时候自上而下慢慢查。
1, the most effective way to learn Matlab their own hands, as well as regular check Help. 2 has encountered are not sure of the function or operation, the best way is to build their own and then try a test matrix will not produce a bad effect on the data, but also very intuitive, because many details of the teachers are not very clear. 3, to develop a good habit to use Editer programming, the best structured programming, frequent use of self-built functions, making the code clear and easy troubleshooting. 4, add their own notes to yourself, run the program can first try to run line by line, take a look at the output of each line is the same as expected and so on, an error check when the top-down slowly. (2010-03-17, Others, 201KB, 下载4次)


[DSP编程] unit1

VisualDSP 4.5平台上的实验例程,比较简单,适合初学者熟悉设计过程,内附有说明,详细的实验步骤,感兴趣的新手可以试一试。
VisualDSP 4.5 platform experimental routines, relatively simple, suitable for beginners familiar with the design process, enclosing it has made it clear, detailed experimental steps novice interested can try. (2008-12-17, Others, 638KB, 下载68次)



基于DSP 2812的永磁同步电动机矢量控制程序,包括电流环,速度环。
Based on DSP 2812 PMSM vector control procedures, including the current loop, velocity loop. (2008-04-16, Others, 409KB, 下载912次)
