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[绘图程序] moduloNetwork

用于在Microsoft Excel中学习和娱乐的比特币电子表格,没有宏和数组公式,包括第一个比特币ECDSA secp256k1...,
Bitcoin spreadsheets for learning and fun in Microsoft Excel, no macros and no array formulas, including the first bitcoin ECDSA secp256k1 curve Excel spreadsheet, SHA256 spreadsheet, RIPEMD-160 spreadsheet (2023-09-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[绘图程序] LCD

用伟福编的128*64LCD 菜单程序,是用汇编的
Wei-fu series with 128* 64LCD menu procedures, is compiled (2008-07-22, Others, 4KB, 下载14次)
