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[网络编程] nicholscrawford.github

nicholscrawford.github.io (2023-12-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] CommsKit

A protocol testing application for macOS and Windows designed for the entertainment industry. With CommsKit you can bring testing and monitoring of MIDI, OSC, HTTP, UDP, TCP, ArtNet & sACN protocols into a single interface. (2023-11-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] LVMQTT-master

用于LabVIEW的MQTT库 MQTT[1]消息隊列遙測傳輸(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)是ISO 標準(ISO/IEC PRF 20922)[2]下基於發布/訂閱範式的消息協議。它工作在 TCP/IP協議族上,是為硬體性能低下的遠程設備以及網絡狀況糟糕的情況下而設計的發布/訂閱型消息協議,為此,它需要一個消息中間件 。 IBM公司的安迪·斯坦福-克拉克及Arcom公司的阿蘭·尼普於1999年撰寫了該協議的第一個版本。[3] 該協議的可用性取決於該協議的使用環境。IBM公司在2013年就向結構化資訊標準促進組織提交了 MQTT 3.1 版規範,並附有相關章程,以確保只能對規範進行少量更改。[4]。MQTT-SN[5]是針對非 TCP/IP 網絡上的嵌入式設備主要協議的變種,與此類似的還有 ZigBee 協議。
MQTT Library for LabVIEW MQTT [1] Message Queuing Telemetry Transport is a message protocol based on the publish/subscribe paradigm under the ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) [2]. It works on the TCP/IP protocol suite and is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol designed for hardware with low hardware performance and poor network conditions. For this, it requires a message middleware. IBM's Andy Stanford-Clark and Arcom's Alan Nip wrote the first version of the agreement in 1999. [3] The availability of this protocol depends on the environment in which the agreement is used. In 2013, IBM submitted the MQTT version 3.1 specification to the Structured Information Standards Promotion Organization with a charter to ensure that only minor changes to the specification were made. [4]. MQTT-SN [5] is a variant of the main protocol for embedded devices on non-TCP/IP networks, similar to the ZigBee protocol. (2019-07-30, Others, 1632KB, 下载22次)
