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[Kotlin编程] True-or-False

欢迎使用True of False,这是一款动态交互式测试应用程序,旨在挑战和娱乐所有级别的用户!用Kotlin编写的这个应用程序提供了一个可定制的测验体验,允许用户选择问题的数量,对他们的测验进行分类,并调整难度级别以适应他们的偏好。
Welcome to True of False, a dynamic and interactive quiz app designed to challenge and entertain users of all levels! Written in Kotlin, this app offers a customizable quiz experience, allowing users to select the number of questions, categorize their quiz, and adjust the difficulty level to suit their preferences. (2024-02-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Kotlin编程] kotlin-examples

Playing with Kotlin on Windows, (2023-08-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
