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按平台查找All Smalltalk(5) 

[区块链开发] interplanetary

Gameprograming FinalExam (2024-06-22, Smalltalk, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] Platformer

Unity 2D platformer项目具有玩家移动、重力切换、扣球碰撞和基于计时器的游戏over Mechanical。包括玩家控制、重力管理、扣球碰撞和游戏管理的脚本。使用Unity游戏引擎开发。
Unity 2D platformer project featuring player movement, gravity toggling, spike collisions, and a timer-based game over mechanic. Includes scripts for player controls, gravity management, spike collisions, and game management. Developed using Unity game engine. (2024-02-13, Smalltalk, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] edu.usc.csci599

Reclaimer is a mobile game developed on Unity in C#, playable on both Android and iOS. This game was built for USC s Mobile Social Games class (CSCI-599). Players start in a jail cell and have to escape the dungeon. Along the way, they can pick up weapons and items in the environment, and fight medieval enemies that stand in the way of their (2020-09-18, Smalltalk, 1876KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Hitman-Nation-MMORPG

一款基于文本的多人角色扮演游戏,名为《杀手之国》,在Python Flask中实现。当玩家注册时...
A text based multiplayer role playing game called Hitman Nation implemented in Python Flask. When a player sign up and log in, they can do missions, earn cash, earn points, befriend players, message players, write articles in the newspaper, train in the game, attack other players, exchange points for rewards and level up by gaining experience.... (2019-08-19, Smalltalk, 950KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] PlayerST

Player Stage robot simulation client for Smalltalk (2017-01-04, Smalltalk, 134KB, 下载0次)
