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[其他书籍] Oracle1000

oracle常用傻瓜问题1000问 适合初级和中级玩家
oracle problem common fool 1000 asked for primary and secondary players (2008-12-09, MultiPlatform, 25KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Informationf_Retrieval

An Introduction to Information Retrieval 介绍信息检索的一本书,是斯坦福大学的一个教授写的,据说还没有出版,先放出来给读者提改进意见的。注意是英文版的
An Introduction to Information Retrieval Information Retrieval introduction of a book, a Stanford University professor of writing, it is said has not yet published, first released to the readers to improve their views. Attention is the English version of (2008-01-29, MultiPlatform, 4075KB, 下载10次)
