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[其他游戏] FunCode_坦克大战

坦克大战是一款经典的、老少皆宜的小游戏,游戏 中玩家坦克与敌方坦克在所给地图中中进行大战,玩家 坦克被击中、玩家指挥部被击中或游戏时间到,一局游 戏结束。
Tank Wars is a classic game for all ages, games Medium player tank and enemy tank battle in the given map, players The tank was hit, the player's headquarters was hit or the game time came, a tour The end of the show. (2018-05-03, C++, 11965KB, 下载12次)


[其他游戏] BeatPlane

本游戏模拟微信打飞机游戏,不过略有不同,玩一下你就知道了^_^ 资源包含源代码、游戏素材、可执行程序(编译好了的) ps:游戏使用纯C语言,没使用任何游戏引擎
The game simulates micro-channel aircraft game, but slightly different, play what you know ^ _ ^ resource contains the source code, the game material, executable program (precompiled) ps: the game using pure C language, did not use any Game Engine (2013-09-21, C++, 247KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] tanchishe

Double Snake game for couples to play with VC++ games can train a person' s ability to respond (2013-07-22, C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] CocosDragonJS

visual studio工程, 基于cocos2d-html5的游戏, 玩家可以控制飞龙吃金币来飞行。 喜欢html5游戏开发的网友可以用来研究学习。
visual studio project, based on cocos2d-html5 game, players can control the dragon eat gold to fly. Like html5 game development users can be used to study learning. (2013-07-07, C++, 1452KB, 下载8次)


[其他游戏] txzyx

VC++, c++, copyright!!!! (2010-08-14, C++, 12KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] C语言练习键盘打字

C series of the typing exercises little game, that is not high playability, the key to another look at the series of the night (2005-08-11, C++, 56KB, 下载14次)


[其他游戏] 21281218908

人联网火拼泡泡大战,游戏方式类似于qq游戏的《火拼泡泡龙》,不过加入了强劲的魔法卡片系统。 游戏包含大厅系统、聊天系统、形象系统、积分记录功能等,单人玩有一定难度,应该比较有趣。
connectivity Rush bubble war games similar to qq game, "Rush Beautiful", but acceded to the strong magic card system. The game includes hall, chatting, image system, the functions of recording and integration, single people play it is difficult to do, it should be more interesting. (2005-03-16, C++, 4484KB, 下载207次)
