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[其他小程序] EMKDHLU

将BMP图像变成JPEG的图像源代码,值得一试啊 (2018-06-20, C++, 287KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] qianliankan

Playing lianliankan, due to time limit too tight, always had a bad, then takes half a day (2017-04-22, C++, 66KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] game

二十一点 我们很多人小时候都玩过的小游戏 我们都曾哪么的痴迷过 希望我的这个小游戏能让你喜欢
21:00 childhood many of us have played the game, we have what you want me to have the obsession with this game can you like (2008-05-28, C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] ds

试编写索引顺序查找的程序。 (1) 要求能自动建立索引表; (2) 对任意待查找的关键字,若查找成功,给出其关键字比较次数。 (3) 测试用例自己设计;
Try to find the order of the preparation of the index procedure. (1) request can be automatically created index table (2) for any question to find the keywords, to find if successful, given its comparative frequency of keywords. (3) test cases of their own design (2008-05-14, C++, 88KB, 下载12次)
