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按分类查找All 视频会议(2) 
按平台查找All C++(2) 

[视频会议] RTPlayStep

Playstep is a PI project that forces your kid to exercise to play games (black holes randomly appear over the HDMI signal and grow unless the step machine is used) (2022-01-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频会议] ARtcSdkForAPICloud

该 SDK 基于 APICloud 平台开发。为实时互动通信及直播类应用量身打造而成的SDK,包括了实时音频、视频、混音、屏幕共享等功能,适用于娱乐、游戏、教育等场景。支持公有云、混合云、私有云等部署方式。,
The SDK is developed based on the APICloud platform. The SDK, tailored for real-time interactive communication and live broadcast applications, includes real-time audio, video, mixing, screen sharing and other functions, and is suitable for entertainment, games, education and other scenarios. Support public cloud, hybrid cloud, private cloud and other deployment methods., (2020-07-29, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
