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[Windows编程] 932557

在玩‘连连看’,由于时间限制得太紧,总是玩得不爽,于是费半天时间 (2018-02-16, C++, 66KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] forGUI

扑克牌的游戏,有兴趣可以试一下很好不错的 (2017-11-13, C++, 463KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Independent-Components

Independent Components Analysis- Andrea Ng在斯坦福的讲义.主要讲解主成分分析的相关知识。
Our next topic is Independent Components Analysis (ICA). Similar to PCA, this will nd a new basis in which to represent our data. However, the goal is very di erent. As a motivating example, consider the \cocktail party problem. Here, n speakers are speaking simultaneously at a party, and any microphone placed in the room records only an overlapping combination of the n speakers voices. But lets say we have n di erent microphones placed in the room, and because each microphone is a di erent distance each of the speakers, it records a different combination of the speakers voices. Using these microphone record- ings, can we separate out the original n speakers speech signals? (2015-06-15, C++, 60KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] myseshi

A really fun arithmetic test system, a test mode, practice mode, etc. (2011-06-28, C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] OllyDbg-v1.10flyODBG

1、OllyDbg是伟大的汇编级分析调试器,作者是Oley Yuschuk。 2、汉化第二版修正了以前汉化版“BP断点无法删除”和“断点窗口不能显示反汇编栏目中的反汇编内容”的2个bug。针对很多汉化版使用者的意见,将配置文件OllyDbg.ini中的大部分配置内容恢复到英文;你可以直接使用你原来英文版的配置文件。参考TT小组翻译的帮助文件修正了某些词语。 3、Ollydbg.exe是汉化原版,flyODBG.eXe是修改版,必须和压缩包中的其他文件释放在一起。 4、XP界面风格BoOMBoX/TSRh2004制作,OutputDebugStringA问题采用goldenegg的方法。 5、使用前一定要先设置你的UDD和Plugin路径为绝对路径!许多问题都是这个原因导致的。 6、压缩包中收录了TT小组翻译的中文帮助文件,以及其他兄弟写的一些工具。 7、调试一般程序请用OllyDbg原版。用OllyDbg脱壳推荐在Win2K/XP平台操作,修改版某些插件在Win9X上无法加载。 8、修改版只能避开检测窗口名之类的简单反跟踪。其他的如时间检测等反跟踪方式必须自己在调试时手动跳开。
1, OllyDbg is a great debugger, assembler-level analysis, the author is Oley Yuschuk. 2, finished second amendment to the previous version of Chinese Version of "BP Breakpoint can not be deleted" and "break the window can not display the columns in the disassembly Disassembly content "of the two bug. For a lot of feedback from users finished version will be in most of the configuration file OllyDbg.ini Configure contents back to the English you can use your original English version of the configuration file. Reference TT group with the help of text translation Fixed pieces of certain words. 3, Ollydbg.exe is finished the original, flyODBG.eXe is the modified version, must be compressed package in the release of other documents Seq. 4, XP style interface BoOMBoX/TSRh2004 production, OutputDebugStringA question the methods used goldenegg. 5, you must first set before using the UDD and Plugin path to absolute path! Many problems are the causes. 6, the compressed package (2011-03-16, C++, 3927KB, 下载43次)


[Windows编程] shujuku

There is a box, mixed up an equal number of Go albino and sunspots. Now use the automatic sorting system to separate the white out and sunspots. Suppose there are two processes P1 and P2, where P1 pick albino, P2 pick sunspots. When a process in picking midnight, do not allow another process Qujian. Write down the two concurrent processes that execute the procedure correctly. (2010-12-15, C++, 322KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] wxMine

测试过的运行环境:XP SP2 开发环境:c++(MingW), wxWidgets GUI库 模仿windows的扫雷,加入了提示功能。即玩家可以按住提示按钮,查看当前有哪些雷和非雷是可以被推断出的。
Verified operating environment: XP SP2 Development environment: c++(MingW), wxWidgets GUI library Imitation Windows Mine, with real time tip. The player can hold down the help button to see all the current mine and non-mine that can be inferred from the situation. (2010-09-26, C++, 2266KB, 下载109次)


[Windows编程] skyblue_Snake

When we were young, playing a small game. To support the original author of labor. (2009-12-21, C++, 110KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] tablemeeting

圆桌问题 假设有来自n 个不同单位的代表参加一次国际会议。每个单位的代表数分别为R i ( i =1,2,3...n)。会议餐厅共有m张餐桌,每张餐桌可容纳Ci (i =1,2, 3...m) 个代表就餐。 为了使代表们充分交流,希望从同一个单位来的代表不在同一个餐桌就餐。试设计一个算法, 给出满足要求的代表就餐方案。
Round-table question assumes different from n units of an international conference attended by representatives. The number of units on behalf of each of R i (i = 1,2,3 ... n). Restaurant meeting a total of m tables, each table can accommodate Ci (i = 1,2, 3 ... m) a representative of dining. In order to make the full exchange of delegates, I hope from the same representative of a unit is not the same dining table. Design a test algorithm to meet the requirements of the program on behalf of dining. (2009-07-24, C++, 11KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] multiphufman

多元Huffman编码变形 问题描述: 在一个操场的四周摆放着n 堆石子。现要将石子有次序地合并成一堆。规定在合并过程中最多可以有m(k)次选k 堆石子合并成新的一堆,2≤k≤n,合并的费用为新的一堆的石子数。试设计一个算法,计算出将n 堆石子合并成一堆的最小总费用。数据输入: 由文件input.txt 提供输入数据。文件的第1 行有1 个正整数n,表示有n 堆石子。第2行有n个数,分别表示每堆石子的个数。第3行有n-1 个数,分别表示m(k)(2≤k≤n)的值。
Deformation of multi-Huffman Encoding Description: In a playground are placed around the rock n heap. Stone is to have the order to merge into a pile. The provisions of the merger process can have up to m (k) election k heap of stones into a pile of new, 2 ≤ k ≤ n, the combined cost of the stone pile of the new number. Try to design an algorithm to calculate the n heap a pile of stones into the smallest total cost. Data entry: input.txt documents provided by the input data. Line 1 of the document there is a positive integer n, that there are n piled stones. No. 2 there are n number of lines, respectively, said the number of stones in each pile. Line 3 has the number of n-1, respectively, m (k) (2 ≤ k ≤ n) values. (2009-07-24, C++, 54KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] interface

Warhammer source plug-ins (2009-05-07, C++, 207KB, 下载90次)


[Windows编程] 20081221

【要求】 职工信息包括职工号,姓名,性别,年龄,学历,工资,住址,电话等(职工号不相等)。试设计一职工信息管理系统,使之能够提供下列功能: (1)系统以菜单方式工作 (2)职工信息录入功能(职工信息用文件保存) (3)职工信息浏览功能 (4)职工信息查询功能,查询方式: 1)按学历查询 2)按职工号查询 (5)职工信息删除,修改功能(可选项)。
[] Workers requested information, including trade union number, name, sex, age, education, wages, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. (No. workers not equal). Workers try to design a management information system to enable it to provide the following functions: (1) system to work the way the menu (2) employees of information input function (trade union information with file) (3) trade union information browsing (4) staff information function query: 1) according to their academic qualifications inquiries 2) by workers query No. (5) information workers to delete, modify function (optional). (2008-12-21, C++, 2KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] bettershootinggameinnotepad

一个在notepad里面玩的设计游戏. A really cool shooting game that play in Notepad. More improved and neater than the one I submitted earlier this month. Please comment on it. The controls are simple: Player 1 Move - Left/Right Arrow Keys Shoot - Down Arrow Player 2 Move - (Numpad 6)Right / (Numpad 4)Left Shoot - (Numpad 8)Shoot Remember to comment and vote if possible.
A notepad inside the design of games to play. A really cool shooting game that play in Notepad. More improved and neater than the one I submitted earlier this month. Please comment on it. The controls are simple: Player 1 Move- Left/Right Arrow Keys Shoot- Down Arrow Player 2 Move- (Numpad 6) Right/(Numpad 4) Left Shoot- (Numpad 8) Shoot Remember to comment and vote if possible. (2006-10-09, C++, 5KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 情缘天使源文件

This is a test of your mind that he or she has in mind in the end you have no one entertainment software, VC prepared. (2005-12-05, C++, 34KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] 秒表

mfc to use a series of small programs stopwatch, the play is very good, so I had a lot of time (2004-12-04, C++, 2KB, 下载83次)
