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[行业发展研究] 23.SQL

SQL 简史 SQL 的诞生于 IBM 公司在加利福尼亚 San Jose 的试验室中 在七十年代 SQL 由这里 开发出来 最初它们被称为结构化查询语言 Structured Query Language 并常常简称为 sequel 开始时它们是为 IBM 公司的 DB2 系列数据管理系统 RDBMS — — 关系型数据库 管理系统 而开发的 您在今天仍可以买到在不同平台下运行的该系统 事实上 是 SQL 造就了 RDBMS 它是一种非过程语言 与第三代过程语言如 C 和 COBOL 产生于同一时 代
A Brief History of SQL, SQL was born in San Jose, California IBM' s laboratory in the SQL from here in the seventies they were originally developed in the structured query language called Structured Query Language and is often referred to as the sequel to the start of IBM, they are The DB2 family of data management system RDBMS-- relational database management system developed you can still buy today running on different platforms is the fact that the system created a SQL RDBMS it is a non-procedural language with third-generation process languages ​ ​ such as C and COBOL generated at the same time (2011-11-16, SQL, 1981KB, 下载2次)
