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[数据库编程] sql-examnation

Database on machine questions, you can do the final exam reference (2013-04-03, SQL, 4KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] ss

This book is a Stanford University computer science database series of courses course textbooks. Book into the details of the principle of the database system, and specifically discussed the three main components of the database management system- storage management, query processor and transaction management technology. (2012-04-23, SQL, 3711KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] db

Chinese version of the book Database System, Stanford University, known materials, worth a visit (2010-04-29, SQL, 15286KB, 下载20次)


[数据库编程] DatabaseSystemConoepts

《数据库信息系统概念》是数据库系统方面的经典教材之一。国际上许多著名大学包括斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学、得克萨斯大学、康奈尔大学、伊利诺伊大学、印度理工学院等都采用本书作为教科书。我国也有许多所大学采用本书以前版本的中文版作为本科生和研究生的数据库课程的教材和主要教学参考书,收到了良好的效果。   本书调整和新增内容:调整了第4版的讲授顺序。首先介绍SQL及其高级特性,使学生容易接受数据库设计的概念。新增数据库设计的专门讨论。彻底改写和更新了基于对象的数据库和XML的相关内容。重新组织数据挖掘和信息检索的内容,增加了对数据库系统PostgreSQL的实例研究。   本书特点:综合全面。涵盖了数据模型、关系模型、基于对象的数据库和XML、数据存储和查询、事务管理、数据库系统体系结构等方面的内容。直观易懂。采用直观的方式描述概念,以结构清晰的图示和示例代替形式化的证明。实用性强。以银行数据库实例生动地解释重要概念,通俗易懂。内容新颖。反映了数据库在设计、管理和使用方式等方面的变化及数据库概念方面的发展趋势。深入研究实例。提供四个领先的数据库系统PostgreSQL、Oracle、IBM DB2和Microsoft SQL Server的实例研究。
This book is a classic database systems, one of the books. Many international well-known universities, including Stanford University, Yale University, the University of Texas, Cornell University, University of Illinois, Indian Institute of Technology, adopted the book as a textbook. Numerous universities in China have used previous versions of the Chinese version of the book as a database of undergraduate and graduate primary teaching course materials and reference books, and good results. Book adjustments and additions: adjusted the 4th edition of the teaching sequence. First introduced the SQL and its advanced features, so that students accept the concept of database design. Devoted to new database design. Complete rewrite and update the database and object-based XML-related content. Re-organizing data mining and information retrieval of the content, adding an instance of the database system PostgreSQL. This book features: comprehensive. Covers the data model, relational model, obj (2010-04-13, SQL, 19689KB, 下载101次)
