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[VC书籍] OpenGL

MFC+OpenGL 编程入门 OpenGL 作图非常方便,故日益流行,但对许多人来说,是在微机上进行的,首先碰到的问题是,如何适应微机环境。这往往是最要害的一步,虽然也是最初级的。 下面介绍如何在 VC++ 上进行 OpenGL 编程。其实相当简单明快,只因国内缺少这方面的资料与例子,致使许多小细节要一个一个地试,耗去大量时间。希望各位有什么心得体会,也公布出来,从而节省每个人都要试试的时间。
MFC+ OpenGL Programming OpenGL mapping entry is very convenient, so increasingly popular, but for many, is carried out in the microcomputer, the first problem encountered is how to adapt to computer environment. This is often the most crucial step, although also the most junior. How to introduce the following VC++ On OpenGL programming. In fact, quite simple crisp, because the lack of this information and examples, with the result that many small details one by one to test, absorbs a lot of time. I hope that what has experiences, but also published in order to try to save everyone time. (2008-03-19, PDF, 281KB, 下载549次)
