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[其他书籍] Convex-Optimization

Stephen Boyd 美国斯坦福大学 1980年以最高荣誉获哈佛大学数学系AB学位;1985年获伯克利大学电力工程和计算机服务系博士学位,后获瑞典皇家工学院荣誉博士称号。 编写的《凸优化》中文版
Stephen Boyd Stanford University in 1980, won the highest honors AB degree in mathematics Harvard University Ph.D., 1985 the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Services Berkeley University and received honorary doctorates Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. Written " convex optimization" Chinese version (2017-05-03, PDF, 48341KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] FKP

This paper describes an important class of equations- Fokker-Planck equation, is a good book for graduate students (2015-03-13, PDF, 2556KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] note_of_Machine_Learning

Stanford University machine learning personal learning course notes, online notes a dear friend, not bad. (2015-01-07, PDF, 11456KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] Stanford-ML(chinese-7-11)

Stanford Machine Learning class notes open 7-11 hours to learn the basics of machine learning, supervised learning and unsupervised learning. (2014-12-12, PDF, 1848KB, 下载14次)


[其他书籍] cs229-notes3

Explain in detail the support vector machines in English from Stanford University in the open class machine learning courses (2012-12-24, PDF, 164KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] MachineLearning-Lecture01

Stanford open class machine learning the first lesson notes- describes the basic concepts and applications (2011-05-25, PDF, 52KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Avater

自主虚拟人技术在虚拟空间中对人类的形态、运动、行为和认知方式进行模 拟,其目的是使虚拟人能够在没有外界干预的条件下,根据外在与内在的条件进 行自主的行为选择与控制。随着虚拟人角色越来越多地出现在虚拟训练、工业设 计、娱乐等各种应用中,人们对虚拟人的智能化和自主程度提出了更高的要求, 使得自主虚拟人成为了虚拟人研究中的热点问题之一。针对目前自主虚拟人控制 技术中存在的问题,本文对运动控制、感知、路径规划和行为控制等关键性技术 进行了研究。
The technology of autonomous virtual human simulates the figure, motion, behavior and cognitive style of human beings in virtual environment. The research aim is to enable the characters to choose and control own behaviors according to the internal and external conditions without user intervention. With more and more virtual characters appearing in the applications of virtual training, industry designing and entertainment, people bring up higher requirements to the intelligence and autonomy of virtual human.Therefore, the autonomous virtual human has become a hotspot in the research field of virtual human. To solving the problems in the control of autonomous virtual human, this paper studied on some key technologies, such as motion control, perception, path plan and behavior control. (2010-06-21, PDF, 1848KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] IntroductionToRobotics-Lecture

2009 StandFord university course lecture--IntroductionToRobotics (2010-04-22, PDF, 625KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] Avidemux

Avidemux 2.4.3操作说明书,非常详细的。 Avidemux 2.4.3的是一款不错的图像工具,下面是他简要介绍和使用方式等等希望对大家的工作学习娱乐有所帮助:   Avidemux是一个免费的视频编辑器,可以进行剪切、过滤和编码等任务。它支持广泛的文件格式,包括AVI文件的编辑,DVD的MPEG文件、MP4和ASF,并能将声音从文件中分解出来。支持强大的队列任务处理和脚本功能。
Avidemux 2.4.3 operating instructions, very detailed. Avidemux 2.4.3 is a nice graphical tool, the following is a brief introduction and use him the way we hope to help the work of learning fun: Avidemux is a free video editor, can be cut, filter, and coding task. It supports a wide range of file formats, including AVI file editing, DVD, MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, and can be decomposed by the sound from the file. Strong mandate to support queue processing and scripting. (2010-04-07, PDF, 386KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] schematic-Quantum-Chemistry

Kenichi Fukui, " illustrated quantum chemistry" : the Japanese written books on quantum chemistry, it is plain (2009-12-11, PDF, 1282KB, 下载15次)


[其他书籍] DatabaseSystem

这是一本主要讲述数据库系统实现的一本经典的书籍,是由斯坦福大学的Jenifer Windom编写的。
This is a major database system to achieve about a classic book by Stanford University Jenifer Windom prepared. (2009-12-05, PDF, 15417KB, 下载17次)


[其他书籍] 2005Computational.and.Statistical.Approaches.t

" Calculating statistical methods," This is the practice of bioinformatics, not related to personnel not under the play. (2009-12-02, PDF, 11467KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] stanford_university_Wireless_Communications

Stanford University, 2003 Guide of the wireless communications,高清晰版unencrypted. Simple sprightly book itself is not a book-style super-thick textbooks. Recommended reading. (2008-12-15, PDF, 2268KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] Good_ConvexOpt

Process optimization theory of the classical English books at Stanford University Department of Electronics, teaching materials. (2008-11-10, PDF, 4644KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] Teradata_basic

Teradata公司是全球最大的数据仓库及企业分析方案的供应商,业务遍及全球60多个国家。我们的客户遍及通信、金融服务、证券、制造、零售、保险、政府及公共服务、媒体及娱乐、医疗与制药、旅游与物流运输等行业。 本文介绍Teradata数据库的基础知识,是入门Teradata的好材料!
Teradata Corporation is the world (2008-09-23, PDF, 1300KB, 下载139次)


[其他书籍] TheUltimateIQTestBook

The Ultimate IQ Test Book: 1,000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power 智商测试,现在遇到的招聘,为政府,军队,教育,工业和商业。 "最终的智商测试书" ,是本书最大的智商实践考验。笔试和汇编的智商测试专家,它包含1000个实践问题,组织了25种测试,一个简单的指导,以评估个人业绩。这个问题本身是很相似的向那些面对考生,在实际测验。他们是多学科,并包括口头,数值和图表的推理问题,使读者可以就实践中的各种不同类型的问题,它们很可能会遇到。通过提问可以帮助人改善他们的词汇和发展权的计算和逻辑推理。通过研究不同类型的试验,并认识到不同类型的问题,读者可以提高他们的考试分数,并增加他们的智商评级。 "最终的智商测试书" ,是非常宝贵的是那些必须采取智商测验,但它也有很大的乐趣的人喜欢把自己的心为自己的娱乐-和提高他们的智力。 (2008-07-10, PDF, 5100KB, 下载28次)


[其他书籍] Wireless-Communication-Goldsmith

斯坦福大学Goldsmith著,无线通信教程,Wireless Communication,也是一部精典的无线通信书籍。英文,pdf格式,也很清晰!
Goldsmith, Stanford University, and wireless communications tutorials, Wireless Communication, is also a classical wireless communication books. English, pdf format, is also very clear! (2007-10-26, PDF, 2527KB, 下载221次)


[其他书籍] sjxh

随机信号分析-杨福生 pdf格式的电子书 又是一本好书呀
random signal analysis-Yang Fusheng pdf format e-books is a good book ah (2006-04-04, PDF, 3816KB, 下载257次)


[其他书籍] 数据库系统实现课件

《数据库系统实现》DATBASE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 斯坦福大学那本书的中文版 不好意思 这里只有前四章的
"database systems" DATBASE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Stanford University, the book's Chinese edition here only embarrassed the first four chapters (2005-06-04, PDF, 478KB, 下载52次)
