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[界面编程] CodeWarrior10.2

上篇说了说CW更新的事,昨天CW10.2装上之后玩了玩,结果不玩不知道一玩下一跳(说玩 不是简单的打开软件看看界面美观否,而是对整个系统做了个初步的了解),哈哈,觉着基 于eclipse的开发环境体验效果真的非常爽,顿时觉着MDK,IAR都是浮云了(呵呵,说这 话可能会得罪人啊,纯属个人意见,还是那句话个人喜好和习惯问题,谅解,嘿嘿),下面 会上图,给大家展现出Codewarrior10.2一些美好的体验。
On to say that the CW update of things yesterday CW10.2 fitted and playing, the results do not play the next hop (play not simply open the software to see if the interface is beautiful No, but the whole system does not know a play a preliminary understanding), I felt the eclipse-based development environment to experience the effect is really cool, suddenly felt MDK, IAR are clouds (Oh, that words may offend people, ah, purely personal opinion , or sentence personal preferences and habits, understanding, hehe), following the meeting map for everyone to show Codewarrior10.2 wonderful experience. (2012-12-28, PDF, 1626KB, 下载12次)
