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[其他] 新建文件夹

倍福 twin2入门教程,更好的入门和学习倍福plc
Best twin2 tutorial, a better introduction and learning about best PLC (2018-11-14, PDF, 11752KB, 下载5次)


[其他] GC0328

VGA CMOS Image Sensor GC0328 DataSheet
VGA CMOS Image Sensor GC0328 DataSheet (2017-11-06, PDF, 436KB, 下载31次)


[其他] ROS机器人程序设计

ROS是一个机器人软件操作平台,前身由斯坦福大学(Stanford Artificail Intelligence Laboratory)所研发。它提供一些标准操作系统服务,目前主要支持Ubuntu操作系统。ROS可分为两层,低层是操作系统层,高层是实现不同功能的软件包。
ROS is a robot software operating platform, the predecessor by the Stanford University (Stanford Artificail Intelligence Laboratory) research and development. It provides standard operating system services and currently supports the Ubuntu operating system. ROS can be divided into two layers, the lower layer is the operating system layer, and the top level is software package that implements different functions. (2017-07-04, PDF, 35751KB, 下载36次)


[其他] A-centry-loneliness

百年孤独 哥伦比亚 黄锦炎 文字版 世界名著经典小说之一
A centry loneliness (2012-04-12, PDF, 4488KB, 下载2次)


[其他] EstablishandImplementofCAN-busCommunicationProtoco

控制局域网CAN(Controller Area Network) 是20 世纪80 年代初德国Bosch 公司为解决众多的控制设备和测 试仪器之间的数据交换而开发的一种串行数据通讯协议。本文介绍了一种客车车身CAN 总线网络控制系统, 通过 研究CAN 2.0B 规范, 制定了符合该系统的通讯协议, 并阐述了通讯软件的设计方案。
Controller Area Network CAN (Controller Area Network) is the 20th century, the early 80s German Bosch company to resolve a large number of control equipment and test data exchange between machines and the development of a serial data communication protocol. In this paper, a bus body CAN bus network control system, by studying the CAN 2.0B specification, drawn up in line with the system (2008-07-17, PDF, 106KB, 下载99次)
