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[WEB开发] 0-1

硅谷创投教父、PayPal创始人作品,斯坦福大学改变未来的一堂课,为世界创造价值的商业哲学。 在科技剧烈改变世界的今天,想要成功,你必须在一切发生之前研究结局。 你必须找到创新的独特方式,让未来不仅仅与众不同,而且更加美好。 从0到1,为自己创造无限的机会与价值!
Godfather of Silicon Valley venture capital, PayPal founder works to change the future of a Stanford class, create value for the world s business philosophy. Dramatic change in the technology world today, we want to succeed, you have to study the outcome of what happened before. You have to find unique and innovative ways, so that the future is not only different, but better. From 0-1 to create unlimited opportunities and value for themselves! (2015-06-04, TEXT, 11900KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fckeditor

fckeditor本人曾在php 、asp 环境下使用。闲暇之余,配置一下jsp环境的运用。由于直接传值在jsp环境下会乱码,我再加上字符过滤Filter。不想一试就成功咯、了,顾分享与大家
FCKeditor I have in php, asp environment. In her spare time, configure the use of click jsp environment. Because of direct value in jsp environment will be garbled, coupled with my characters on filters Filter. One does not want to talk about the success of pyronaridine, a, Gu-sharing with U.S. (2009-03-06, TEXT, 1176KB, 下载4次)
