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[其他书籍] 2006computer

This is a knowledge of computers, the book is suitable for everyone as a general reference to properly use the computer, Learning entertainment! (2007-06-19, TEXT, 2952KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] windowsgaoshoujinjie(5)

软件版本号详解;少在WINXP下玩“虚的”;升级系统前的八大注意事项;使用 WINDOWS XP 组策略修改系统配置;视频播放的新问题全面解析等。
Elaborates on the software version; WINXP less in the next game of "virtual"; Before the system upgrade eight attention; using Windows XP Group Policy changes to the system configuration; video of new issues such as a comprehensive analysis. (2006-04-19, TEXT, 21KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] 丘吉尔传

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the Second World War, led the British people to win the war against fascism great victory for the hero, and Stalin, Roosevelt go to the "Big Three", is standing in the world history of this great man. (2005-10-31, TEXT, 314KB, 下载4次)
