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[磁盘编程] xivdle

A daily guessing game based on the Critically Acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV where players guess a random duty from amongst all of the games dungeons, trials, raids and more. (2024-02-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] GamersGrid

"Gamers-Grid: Your dedicated task management hub for gamers. Coordinate raids, track achievements, and level up your teamwork seamlessly. Join the gaming revolution!" (2023-12-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] raid-report-lookup-chrome-extension

Chrome extension, that adds options to quickly track a player s raid dungeon report to the context menu (2023-12-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] rails4-twitch-tib

Have you ever played an mmo that requires a lexicon of knowledge and laser- like focus but your raid leader or flight commander doesn t seem up to it? Do you know the ropes but wish there was more of an incentive to lead your fellow players This is a rails 4 app that uses twitch api, twitter api, and devise to create a social groundwork for (2015-02-27, JavaScript, 1072KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] PokeFort

PokeFort is a multiplayer game that can be played in Discord. It offers features like multiplayer battles and raids that can be enjoyed with friends or other players in the server. (2023-04-02, JavaScript, 302830KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] RaidBotPokemonGo

这个Telegram(和控制台)机器人会通知你口袋妖怪Go Raid大厅里挤满了人,所以你可以玩...
This Telegram (and console) bot notifies you of Pokemon Go Raid lobbies that are filling up with people so you can jump in! (2017-09-17, JavaScript, 5KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] Speed

机器人管理,反突袭,说(avec couleurs),娱乐,图像,信息...
Bot d administration, d anti-raid, de say (avec couleurs), de divertissement, de fun, de génération d images, d informations, de modération et utilitaires. Développé par Emmanuel. (2019-09-11, JavaScript, 48KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] Mabicord-AIO

Mabicord AIO是一个Discord机器人,处理MMORPG Mabinogi的突袭消息和军号消息,旨在为玩家提供...
Mabicord AIO is a Discord bot that handles MMORPG Mabinogi s raid messages and bugle messages, designed to serve a single Discord server. (2022-09-11, JavaScript, 86KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] belzebuth

Bot for administration, anti-raid, say (with colors), entertainment, fun, image generation, information, moderation and utilities. Developed by 4po. (2022-07-15, JavaScript, 35KB, 下载0次)
