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[其他行业] xd363

asp+access/mssql架构的网站系统,具备电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝自动切换,一个后台同步管理,整站可生成静态有利于搜索引擎收录,文件可用dreamweaver打开可视化修改。兼容所有主流浏览器。 可应用于“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站。
The website of the asp+access/mssql system, with the computer version, mobile phone version of the tablet version, seamless automatic switching, a background synchronization management station can generate static to search engines, the file can be opened Dreamweaver visual changes. Compatible with all major browsers. Can be applied to the knife entertainment network, QQ tutorials, easy language tutorial network, LOL tutorials, QQ services, code sharing, tutorial release, etc.. (2017-04-16, ASP, 3624KB, 下载1次)


[其他行业] soft2009274

软件大小: 2.20 MB 软件语言: 简体中文 授权方式: 免费源码 软件类别: ASP 源码 → 影音娱乐 运行环境: ASP+Access
Software Size: 2.20 MB Software Language: English License: Free Source Software Type: ASP source → Media Entertainment Runtime Environment: ASP+ Access (2009-09-11, ASP, 2061KB, 下载2次)
