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[网址推荐] 5522

A special website management system designed for various trade union units. Nanjing City website management system is well-known website building software, it is developed by the technical staff of a ready-made site building software, mainly for the country's institutions, enterprises, companies and self-help stations to provide convenience. Site system without complex installation requirements, suitable for the use of staff. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical and easy to operate, can be assigned administrator rights. 1, site management
A special website management system designed for various trade union units. Nanjing City website management system is well-known website building software, it is developed by the technical staff of a ready-made site building software, mainly for the country's institutions, enterprises, companies and self-help stations to provide convenience. Site system without complex installation requirements, suitable for the use of staff. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical and easy to operate, can be assigned administrator rights. 1, site management (2017-07-08, ASP, 9360KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] xinyang

joekoe cms 1.2官方版为核心的热线版本,包括新闻、信阳、女性、母婴、 生活、房产、 服装、学习、 文学、 笑林、 解梦、 动画、 图片、 酷站、人才、 二手、 商城、 下载、 黄页、 房源、音乐、 电影、 娱乐、 游戏、推荐、聊天、日记、留言、论坛等29个栏目。 默认的管理员用户名是:admin ,密码和验证码都是cn0376
joekoe 1.2 cms official version of the core version of the hotline, including news, Xinyang, women, maternal and child. living, real estate, clothing, learning, literature, Jokes, explain it, animation, photographs, Kuzhan, talent, and the secondary, a mall, download, Yellow Pages, the housing stock, music, film, entertainment, games and recommendation, chat, diary, voice mail, Forum 29 columns. The default administrator user name is : admin, password and authentication code are cn0376 (2006-11-12, ASP, 6026KB, 下载249次)


[网址推荐] KaraokeV2.0

Reviews procedures FOSS 2.0 download can be installed in the local Debugging (2006-08-24, ASP, 1335KB, 下载6次)


[网址推荐] 501t

This is the virtual network platform to do a good tool to compare directly, it may try to download powerful functions. (2006-08-04, ASP, 218KB, 下载4次)


[网址推荐] xstv26

1、高速连接网络电视、宽带在线电影,成功连接率在90%以上,每天更新。 2、所有节目无须管理员操作,均由后台自动更新。 3、客户端要求只需要IE6和Windows Media Player最新版本播放器。 4、时时的反馈和更新,会保证所有的电视节目能流畅的观看。 5、央视、地方、港台地区的电视节目,绝对能够给你的网站吸引更多人气。 6、简单的操作界面,即使不会玩电脑的网友也能够明白的使用。 7、提供5种不同风格的界面。 8、新增CCTV频道。其中CCTV-5为世界杯而打造。
a high-speed network linking TV, broadband movies online, connecting success rate of more than 90%, updated daily. Two, not all the programs administrators operation, are automatically updated background. 3, the client need only request IE6 and Windows Media Player version of the latest players. 4, the feedback and constantly update will ensure that all television programming to watch the fluid. 5, CCTV, local, Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, the program definitely will give your website to attract more popular. 6, a simple user interface, even if it did not play on the computer netizens to understand their use. 7, 5 different style interface. 8, the new CCTV channels. Which CCTV-5 for the World Cup and create. (2006-06-24, ASP, 581KB, 下载20次)
