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[教育系统应用] daojishi

CPA exam countdown program, for recreational use, you greatly bypass, thank you (2015-05-13, C#, 44KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] kaoshixitong

在线考试系统,该系统在平时可以作为学生测试自己专业知识的模拟考卷系统,在考试周期内则承担起在 线考试的任务。 3.2 作为模拟考卷系统时,学生可自行查看自己的测试结果和标准答案。 3.3 作为模拟考卷系统时,学生可以自己决定生成试卷的科目和所属的章节。 3.4 在考试周期内的非考试时间该系统对学生关闭,考试时间内才允许考生登录,系统则生成 该时间段内的考试科目试卷,考试结束前的30 分钟、15 分钟、5 分钟时对考生进行提示,考 试结束后若考生没有进行试卷提交则自动进行试卷保存处理。
Online examination system, the system in the simulation system can be used as test papers students own specialized knowledge in peacetime, the examination period will assume in Line test task. 3.2 as a simulation test paper system, students can self check their test results and the standard answer. 3.3 as a simulation test paper system, students can decide for generation of test subjects and the respective chapters. 3.4 the examination period of non examination time for students to shut down the system, examination time allowed candidates to log on, the system will generate Subject of examination papers of this period of time, the examination before the end of 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes for candidates to conduct prompt, test After the trial, if the examinee not papers submitted papers are automatically saved processing. (2015-03-15, C#, 999KB, 下载5次)
