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按分类查找All GIS/地图编程(4) 
按平台查找All C#(4) 

[GIS/地图编程] Gravity-Game

一种可玩的游戏,允许玩家控制重力方向,以通过独特的级别到达最终目的地。使用独特的脚本实现游戏功能,并实现Unity Physics Engine、动画、场景、平铺贴图、游戏对象等,以帮助进行级别沉浸。
A playable game that allows the player to control the direction of gravity to travel through unique levels to meet an end destination. Uses unique scripts for game functionality and to implement the Unity Physics Engine, animations, scenes, tile-maps, game objects, and much more to help with level immersion. (2024-03-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GIS/地图编程] NetworkedTankFighter

使用Unity Game Engine和C#开发,这是一款可以在线玩的游戏,两辆坦克必须相互战斗,直到对方...,
Developed using Unity Game Engine and C#, this is a game that can be played online where two tanks must battle each other until the other one is destroyed, the map contains destructable walls as well as power ups to assist each player as well as basic AI tanks to attack nearby players (2018-04-29, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GIS/地图编程] GISSampleApplication01

add attributes to shape (2020-02-29, C#, 81KB, 下载0次)


[GIS/地图编程] 空间分析

利用arcgis engine开发的gis桌面程序,可以试现简单的空间分析功能。包括缓冲区分析、叠置分析等等。
ArcGIS Engine development using GIS desktop program, you can try a simple space analysis function. Including buffer analysis, overlay analysis, and so on. (2017-08-27, C#, 1399KB, 下载12次)
