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[软件工程] 第十一次上机

1.小游戏:在“我的所爱在山腰,想去寻她山太高”这一句话中,输入一个字,然后让计算机猜,输出计算机猜的次数,给出猜中的提示;如果超过10次还没有猜中,输出“你太low了”。 2.模拟 20次掷骰子,计算出现的点数之和,并统计每个数出现的次数和概率。 3.小游戏:实现人和电脑玩“剪刀、石头、布”的小游戏。
1. Small game: in the sentence "my love is on the mountainside, I want to find her. The mountain is too high", input a word, and then let the computer guess, output the number of times the computer guesses and give the prompt of correct guess; if more than 10 times have not guessed, output "you are too low". 2. Simulate 20 times of dice roll, calculate the sum of the number of points, and count the number and probability of each number. 3. Small game: realize the small game of "scissors, stone, cloth" between human and computer. (2020-09-15, C#, 531KB, 下载3次)
