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[语音合成] alistin-myanmar-tts

Project Alistin was our effort in 2006-7 to make TTS and let J2ME apps read sms out in Myanmar language. This project include base recordings and a example player. (2015-10-03, C#, 530027KB, 下载0次)


[语音合成] KinectBasicHandTrackingFramework

kinect是一种3D体感摄影机(开发代号“Project Natal”),同时它导入了即时动态捕捉、影像辨识、麦克风输入、语音辨识、社群互动等功能。玩家可以通过这项技术在游戏中开车、与其他玩家互动、通过互联网与其他Xbox玩家分享图片和信息等。
Kinect is a 3D somatosensory camera (development code named Natal Project ), and it introduced a real-time dynamic capture, image recognition, microphone input, speech recognition, social interaction and other functions. Players can drive through this technology in the game, interact with other players, through the Internet and other Xbox players to share pictures and information, etc.. (2016-09-18, C#, 75KB, 下载4次)


[语音合成] 2013.7.9

This is a voice recognition example shown above, the direction of the sound, the following is the speech recognition result, Red, Green, Blue three words, when standing in front of Kinect say a word, if the identification is correct, dashes will be displayed corresponding color. Tried it, or very sensitive (2013-07-10, C#, 97KB, 下载2次)


[语音合成] Speakers

Be able to achieve the Text-To-Speech, the only female voice, in English and Chinese are available, other languages ​ ​ did not try, after all, is based on the function of the windows, do not know how powerful he was, read more smoothly. (2012-10-09, C#, 456KB, 下载17次)


[语音合成] kgdwbbNoteBook

phonetic notice book (2009-09-25, C#, 2074KB, 下载4次)
