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[软件设计/软件工程] stl_exercise

改了挺多,感觉还不错可以直接运行,可以试一下,简单 直接可以用
Changed a lot, I feel pretty good run directly (2015-06-14, matlab, 11600KB, 下载7次)


[软件设计/软件工程] cepstrum_computation

The set of speech processing exercises have been designed by a team consisting of Prof. Lawrence Rabiner (Rutgers University and University of California, Santa Barbara), Prof. Ronald Schafer (Stanford University), Kirty Vedula and Siva Yedithi (Rutgers University). This exercise is intended to supplement the teaching material in the textbook “Theory and Applications of Digital Speech Processing” by L R Rabiner and R W Schafer. (2013-10-23, matlab, 1109KB, 下载18次)


[软件设计/软件工程] pcm

一。产生长度为500的零均值,单位方差的高斯随机变量序列,用均匀pcm的方法用16电平进行量化:1)求所得的SQNR,该序列的前5个值,相应的量化值和相应的码字。2)画出量化误差(定义为输入值和量化值之间的差),同时 画出量化值作为输入值的函数的图。3)用128量化电平数重做2)题, 比较结果。 二。产生一个长度为500,按N(O,1)分布的随机变量序列,分别用16,128量化电平数和u=255的u律非线性进行量化,画出每种情况下量化器的误差和输入-输出关系,并求SQNR. 三。长度为500的非平稳序列a由两部分组成:前20个样本是按照均值为零和方差为400的高斯随机变量产生的,其余480个样本是根据均值和方差为1的高斯随机变量产生的,对这个序列分别用均匀pcm和非均匀pcm方法进行128电平量化,试比较两种情况下所得到的SQNR。
One. Have a length of 500 zero mean, unit variance Gaussian random variables with uniform pcm way to quantify the level with a 16: 1) Find the income SQNR, the sequence of the first 5 values, the corresponding quantization value and the corresponding codeword. 2) Draw the quantization error (defined as the input value and quantify the difference between the values), and draw quantitative values ​ ​ as a function of input graph. 3) redo 128 the number of quantization level 2) title, compare the results. II. Produce a length of 500, according to N (O, 1) distributed random variables, respectively 16,128 and the number of quantization level of u u = 255 to quantify non-linear law, draw each case quantizer error and input- output relationships, and seek SQNR. III. Length of the non-stationary series is a 500 consists of two parts: the first 20 samples in accordance with zero mean and variance of 400 generated Gaussian random variable, and the remaining 480 samples are based o (2011-06-02, matlab, 4KB, 下载27次)
