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按分类查找All 3G/4G/5G开发(4) 
按平台查找All matlab(4) 

[3G/4G/5G开发] t-Decontamination-Scheme-for-Massive-MIMO-Systems

We have proposed a novel pilot decontamination scheme which combines the two existing schemes: SPRS and WGC-PD scheme. (2018-01-13, matlab, 624KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] 斯坦福过渡(SUI)信道模型

斯坦福过渡(SUI)信道模型的信道特点仿真 (2022-05-14, matlab, 90KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] multipath_code.zip

设计一完整的移动通信系统物理层传输方案 (WiMAX场景): 试设计一完整的移动通信系统物理层传输方案并用MATLAB程序实现,要求满足以下指标: 1. 数据速率:5km/hr的移动速度下可实现60Mbps,同时在120km/hr的移动速度下可实现10Mbps,且Eb/No小于20dB时可实现误比特率Pe <= 10-4 2. 信号带宽为20MHz,工作在2GHz频带 3. 信道模型: COST207模型的6径瑞利信道(可参考程序 multipath_code.zip) 请给出以下结果: A.收发机结构框图,主要参数设定; B. 误比特率仿真曲线。(考虑非理想同步和信道估计);
Design a complete system for mobile communications physical layer transmission scheme (WiMAX scene): try to design a complete system for mobile communications and physical layer transmission scheme to achieve with the MATLAB program, requires the following indicators: 1. Data rate: 5km/hr mobile speed can achieve 60Mbps, while the movement in the 120km/hr speed can achieve 10Mbps, and Eb/No less than 20dB can be achieved when the bit error rate Pe < = 10-4 2. signal bandwidth of 20MHz, the work in the 2GHz band 3. channel Model: COST207 model 6 path Rayleigh channel (refer to program multipath_code.zip) Please give the following results: A. Transceiver block diagram, the main parameter settings B. BER simulation curves. (Taking into account non-ideal synchronization and channel estimation) (2011-01-17, matlab, 5KB, 下载216次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] AdvancedDigitalCommunication

斯坦福大学的John M. Cioffi的讲义和相关程序。程序主要是关于RA和MA的注水功率算法。
John M. Cioffi s PPT and related programs.(AdvancedDigitalCommunication) (2009-09-07, matlab, 7334KB, 下载41次)
