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[网络编程] 连杆源程序

一平面六杆机构,设已知各构件的尺寸 ,又知原动件1 以等角速度ω1=1rad/s 沿逆时针方向回转,试求各从动件的角位移、角速度、角加速度以及 E 点的位移、速度及加速度的变化情况题号 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L2’ xG yG a 5-B 26.5 105.6 67.5 87.5 47.2 37.8 65.0 153.5 41.7 35
With a planar six-bar mechanism, it is assumed that the dimensions of each component are known, and the original moving member 1 is known to rotate counterclockwise with an equal angular velocity 1=1rad/s. The angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration of each follower as well as the displacement, velocity and acceleration of point E are tried out (2020-05-17, matlab, 1KB, 下载0次)
