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[matlab编程] sxjm

2014年全国数学建模折叠圆桌模型程序源码 一种桌面呈圆形,桌腿随着铰链的活动可以平摊成一张平板的可折叠桌子桌腿由两组各用一根钢筋连接的木条组成,钢筋两端分别固定在桌腿各组最外侧的两根木条上,并且沿木条有空槽以保证滑动的自由度。 问题一:给定长方形平板尺寸为120 cm × 50 cm × 3 cm,每根木条宽2.5 cm,连接桌腿木条的钢筋固定在桌腿最外侧木条的中心位置,折叠后桌子的高度为53 cm。试建立模型描述此折叠桌的动态变化过程,在此基础上给出此折叠桌的设计加工参数
2014 National Mathematical Modeling Folding Round Table Model Open SourceOne kind of circular table, table legs with hinges activities can be amortized into a flat folding table and legs by the two groups with a reinforced connecting strips of wood, steel ends are fixed to the legs of each group the outermost two strips of wood, strips of wood along the grooves and free to slide in order to ensure freedom.One problem: given a rectangular plate size 120 cm × 50 cm × 3 cm, each wood wide 2.5 cm, reinforced wooden legs connected fixed to the center position of the outermost legs of wood, the table is folded height 53 cm. Try to establish this model to describe the dynamic process of folding tables, folding tables are given on the basis of this design and processing parameters (2016-07-13, PPT, 2KB, 下载7次)
