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按分类查找All FlashMX/Flex源码(7) 
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[FlashMX/Flex源码] Flappy

vs2012环境下新建工程后直接复制源码运行即可,试玩一下,flappybird 的C++版本
After the new project under vs2012 environment can be run directly copy the source code, try this, flappybird version of C++ (2014-04-10, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] xiaoxiaoxiyou

此项目是RPG+SLG的结合。 前端纯as3实现,使用aswing,后台跨平台C++,lua,网络库boost asio,服务器三层结构,DataServer,GameServer,GateServer(多个),代码结构极其简单,极易维护。 游戏系统创新实现: 1.元神出窍,将玩家分为在线和离线两个角色,玩家离线后元神可在线 2.元神队伍,就是队友不必要在线,你可以控制你的队友。 3.奴隶系统,战胜对方,即可抓对方为奴隶,奴隶可作为宝宝参战 4.情人系统,任何玩家在游戏中将会有个身价,只要有人出价超过你的身价即可将你买为情人 5.真实飞行,飞行地图和行走地图分开 6.天上人间,在天上建建筑,建筑可单个被占领掠夺,单个建筑可设置守卫。 7.全系技能消耗生命,天生自带“同归于尽”技能。 8.全lua脚本控制,怪的行为和强弱控制不用重启服务器。 9.角色和怪采用矢量图,可很容易改成位图 10.战斗可在线战斗,离线战斗,自动,手动,系统控制结合包括了部分客户端,服务器和地图编辑器和工具的代码
This project is the combination of RPG+SLG. The front end of pure AS3 implementation, using aswing, the background of cross platform C++, Lua, network database boost ASIO server, three layer structure, DataServer, GameServer, GateServer (multiple), the code has the advantages of simple structure, easy maintenance. Game system innovation: The 1 soul OBE, game player will be divided into online and offline two roles, offline online game player God 2 yuan is the team, team need not online, you can control your teammates. 3 the slave system, beat each other, to catch each other as slaves, slaves as baby war The 4 lovers system, any game player in the game will be worth, as long as there are people who bid more than your value will you buy for lovers 5 separate real flight, flight map and walking map 6 immeasurably vast difference, building in the sky, the building can be a single occupied plunder, individual buildings can be set to guard. 7 all spells consuming life, born with "pe (2013-10-19, Visual C++, 643KB, 下载34次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] zeke

Simple flash player, relatively simple, suitable for beginners. You can download to try. (2013-08-22, Visual C++, 602KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] VC_Flash

用c++播放flash源代码,采用了MFC的 非常清晰简单使用,还可以玩flash游戏呢
Play flash using c++ source code, using the MFC' s very clear and simple to use, it can play flash games (2010-05-30, Visual C++, 118KB, 下载50次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] ylzs_flex

忽悠证,灌水证,潜水证,浆糊证...... 等娱乐证书FLEX版搞笑程序!
Huyou card, irrigation permits, diving certificate, paste the certificate card ...... FLEX version of comedy and other entertainment programs! (2010-03-16, Visual C++, 960KB, 下载3次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Flash播放器制作方法原代码

Flash播放器原代码。我写的Flash播放器,原理很简单,有兴趣的朋友不妨照着我的代码试一试! 不错的。花了我不少时间的
Flash Player original code. I wrote the Flash player, a very simple principle, interested friends may wish to follow the code I try! Good. I spent a lot of time (2005-04-21, Visual C++, 1174KB, 下载258次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] dg1

flash source is under trial (2005-01-25, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载799次)
