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[WEB开发] wuziqi

实现了基本的功能,AI的部分还没成功,先提交一次,如果AI写好了在提交一次 1。人人对战,正常的输赢判断,黑棋先行,白起后行 2.三三,四四,长连,四三三,四四三禁手,五连和禁手同时形成判胜利 3.标注最后一个落子的光标 4.鼠标移动有光标方便落子 5.记录玩家信息
To achieve the basic functions, AI is not part of the success, first submit once, if AI 1 once written submission. Everyone war, winning or losing normal judgment Black first, white succeeding 2.Three three, four four or even longer, four thirty-three, forty-four three prohibitions hand, five and even ban hand while forming a sentence 3. victory marked the last Lazi cursor to move the mouse cursor convenient 4. 5. record player information Lazi (2016-11-17, Visual C++, 7575KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jiaoxuejihua

This procedure to achieve the development of teaching preparation program. Assumptions of any professional have fixed the length of each school year with two semesters, each semester and the length of time the credit limits are the same. Each professional courses are determined, and in the course of the opening time schedule must meet prerequisites relationship. Each course Prerequisites What is certain, there can be any number of doors, it does not. There used to network, said teaching programs, where the vertices represent a course, there are prerequisites to the side showing the relationship between courses (Course B if A course is a prerequisite course, then there is between A to B a directed edge A point B). Try to design a teaching planning procedures to obtain a non-conflicting Course linear process. Course linear arrangement, when each class of its Advanced Placement course has been arranged. (2016-02-23, Visual C++, 12945KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] bandc

Scientists have discovered how the Ebola virus enters cells and infects humans, marking a major breakthrough in the battle against the virus (2016-01-24, Visual C++, 597KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Age_Synthesis_and_Estimation

不是源码哦,是文献Age Synthesis and Estimation via Faces: A Survey。你玩过微软推出的How-Old.net测年龄网站么?对,那些算法就是它了。
Human age, as an important personal trait, can be directly inferred by distinct patterns emerging the facial appearance. Derived rapid advances in computer graphics and machine vision, computer-based age synthesis and estimation via faces have become particularly pr ent topics recently because of their explosively emerging real-world applications, such as forensic art, electronic customer relationship management, security control and surveillance monitoring, biometrics, entertainment, and cosmetology. Age synthesis is defined to rerender a face image aesthetically with natural aging and rejuvenating effects on the individual face. Age estimation is defined to label a face image automatically with the exact age (year) or the age group (year range) of the individual face. Because of their particularity and complexity, both problems are attractive yet challenging to computer-based application system designers. Large efforts both academia and industry have been devoted in the las (2015-05-06, Visual C++, 3108KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] The-king-of-2013-BBS-computer

The king of 2013 BBS computer try to guide one s deceased father grind machine is suitable for one s deceased father grind (2015-03-15, Visual C++, 1679KB, 下载4次)



A program written their own play, no practical function, where language learning upload up for white (2014-06-18, Visual C++, 2012KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] python-excel

test update (2014-03-28, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] divshow

Shows the effect of a DIV. Is to learn HTML when engaging in a good time. We want to have some friends like (2013-09-11, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 26

王道论坛 堆栈算法联系 2013考研机试指南26题
Stack algorithm benevolent Forum Contact 2013 26 questions PubMed machine test guidelines (2013-08-21, Visual C++, 358KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] BSystemDevwewu

Corporate documents, we try to download play, as if there are forums function, this is the latest version. .. (2012-07-22, Visual C++, 804KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qygame

Chiba games network entertainment platform, a template, no background. Fully functional. (2011-11-28, Visual C++, 6523KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] xc

中国NJ娱乐DJ网站宣传系统 v0.1 后台地址:admin.asp 后台管理帐号密码:admin
DJ Entertainment NJ Chinese propaganda system v0.1 background site address: admin.asp Admin Account Password: admin (2008-09-01, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] media1

With the development of Internet, multimedia information in the online transmission of more and more important, streaming download technology with its side by side to play the characteristics of education, entertainment and other industries enjoy, this paper describes the streaming media system and the main stream technology put forward the main stream technology solutions. (2007-11-26, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] jiaoxuejihua

University of each professional must formulate teaching plans. Assuming any professional have fixed the length of each school year with two semesters and the length of time limits on the credits are equal. Every professional courses are opened to determine, and the creation of curriculum time in the arrangement must meet prevocational relations. Each course curriculum which is pre-determined (but there will be door prevocational course, there will be no pre-course). Each class just for a semester. Test this premise design a teaching program procedures. (2007-04-15, Visual C++, 94KB, 下载31次)


[WEB开发] wlgs2bgf

assuming any professional have fixed the length of each semester with two semesters each semester and the length of time limits on the credits are equal. Every professional courses are opened to determine, and the creation of curriculum time arrangements must meet prevocational relations. Each course curriculum which is pre-determined and can have any number of doors, there will be no. Each class just for a semester. Ban on the same premise to design a teaching program. (2006-12-13, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载118次)


[WEB开发] 教学计划编制问题

大学的每个专业都要编制教学计划。假设任何专业都有固定的学习年限,每学年含两学期,每学期的时间长度和学分上限都相等。每个专业开设的课程都是确定的,而且课程的开设时间的安排必须满足先修关系。每个课程的先修关系都是确定的,可以有任意多门,也可以没有。每一门课程恰好一个学期。试在这样的情况下设置一个教学计划编制程序。 基本要求: (1):输入参数:学期总数,一学期的学分上限,每门课的课程号,学分,直接先修关系的课程号。 (2):课程号尽可能的集中在前几个学期中。 (3):若无解,则报告错误信息;否则见教学计划输入到指定的文件中。计划的表格格式自行设计。
University of each professional should prepare teaching plans. The assumption that any professional have fixed the length of each school year with two semesters each semester and the length of time equal to the credit limit are. Every professional courses are opened to determine, and the creation of curriculum time arrangements must meet pre relations. Each course is the pre-established relationship, can have any more doors, there will be no. Each course just one semester. Tests in the circumstances set up a teaching program procedures. Basic requirements : (1) : input parameters : total semester, a semester's credit ceiling for each class courses, credits, the direct prevocational courses,. (2) : No. possible courses focus had previous semester. (3) : If there are no solutions, the re (2006-01-05, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载108次)


[WEB开发] 18707_ddooo

灵感网络搜集: 今天在BBS上看到一个朋友找这样的系统,于是冒着中毒的危险去百度,终于让我搜到了OHOH,不错,哎又做了一件好事…… 他说用户名跟什么的我测试的时候好象根本用不找哦,直接登陆就可以了嘛,拿来什么管理员,P,哎真不知道是作者没做好,还是后来有人修过,反正我没动,不要赖我,有啥事就Q我6984651,我也很想让你U(UC)我但是苦于没有好记的号,哎还是Q我吧!电话的不支持,想要我美化的给10¥就给你做个界面,当然我“偷”界面是一流的呵呵…… 具体怎么操作呢,传上服务器,然后打开,然后写东西就行…… 管理嫩登陆界面admin.asp我没试过能不能改名字,记的试下,如果改名字能用那就改一个什么人也猜不到的,因为他好象没有限制谁是管理员,而是打开就能管理,按照惯例是可以改名字的,自己试下吧! 记的打开原文件把文字内容修改成你需要的饿!
inspiration to collect network : Today on the BBS to see a friend to find such a system, then run the risk of poisoning to Baidu, I finally found a depressed, yes, hey done a good thing ... he said users were told what the test of time, I seem to find it does not, oh direct landing on the same. use what administrators, P, hey, I do not know the author is not doing, or was subsequently renovated, since I did not move, do not depend on me that I have been us on the Q 6984651, I also want to let you U (UC), but I remember the frustration of no good, hey me or Q ! The telephone does not support, I want to beautify the 10 interface it to you to become, of course, I "steal" is a first-class interface ... Oh how specific operations, it was on the server, then opened and then write thin (2005-11-03, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载230次)


[WEB开发] 把一个网站统统当下来

can be inside a website all copies of the content down, I tried it, as if the current website can download the contents inside. Instead throughout the site all Dongdong. (2005-03-30, Visual C++, 269KB, 下载12次)
