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[分形几何] chapter10

this is good program,you can try a try,you must blieve me (2011-07-03, Visual C++, 4824KB, 下载2次)


[分形几何] project3

令人着迷的电影特效,到医学成像、电子游戏和更多的领域,3D图形所带来的冲击不亚于一场革命。这项从五年前(1996年)开始,带来了个人电脑消费风暴的技术,根源于学术界和军事。其实从某种程度上来说,我们今天在个人电脑上所享受的3D图形算是一种“和平红利”,许多最初设计军事模拟器的专家如今在从事3D图形芯片,电影和游戏开发产业的工作。 除娱乐之外,3D图形技术在计算机辅助设计(CAD)上为工业设计带
Fascinating film special effects, to medical imaging, electronic gaming and more areas, 3D graphics the impact of no less than a revolution. This from five years ago (1996), the consumption of personal computers has brought turmoil technology, rooted in academia and the military. In fact, to some extent, we are today in a personal computer enjoy 3D graphics is a (2008-10-19, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载6次)
