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[控制台编程] Demo4

字符串问题,大侦探福尔摩斯接到一张奇怪的字条:“我们约会吧! 3485djDkxh4hhGE 2984akDfkkkkggEdsb s&hgsfdk d&Hyscvnm”。大侦探很快就明白了,字条上奇怪的乱码实际上就是约会的时间“星期四 14:04”,因为前面两字符串中第1对相同的大写英文字母(大小写有区分)是第4个字母 D ,代表星期四;第2对相同的字符是 E ,那是第5个英文字母,代表一天里的第14个钟头(于是一天的0点到23点由数字0到9、以及大写字母A到N表示);后面两字符串第1对相同的英文字母 s 出现在第4个位置(从0开始计数)上,代表第4分钟。现给定两对字符串,请帮助福尔摩斯解码得到约会的时间。
String problem, big detective Sherlock Holmes received a strange note: We date it! 3485djDkxh4hhGE 2984akDfkkkkggEdsb s & hgsfdk d & Hyscvnm . The big detective soon understood that the strange garbled character was actually the date of the date Thursday 14:04 because the first two strings in the first pair of the same capital letters (case distinction) was the fourth The letter D , on behalf of Thursday the second pair of the same character is E , that is the fifth English letter, representing the first 14 days of the day (so the day 0:00 to 23 points 0 to 9, And the letters A to N) the first two strings of the same pair of letters s appear in the fourth position (counted 0), representing the first 4 minutes. Given two pairs of strings, please help Sherlock Holmes decode the time to get the date. (2017-05-28, Visual C++, 173KB, 下载1次)


[控制台编程] zhongweishu

i.中位数问题 问题描述 设X[ 0 : n - 1]和Y[ 0 : n – 1 ]为两个数组,每个数组中含有n个已排好序的数。找出X和Y的2n个数的中位数。 编程任务 利用分治策略试设计一个O (log n)时间的算法求出这2n个数的中位数。 数据输入 由文件input.txt提供输入数据。文件的第1行中有1个正整数n(n< 200),表示每个数组有n个数。接下来的两行分别是X,Y数组的元素。 结果输出 程序运行结束时,将计算出的中位数输出到文件output.txt中。 输入文件示例 输出文件示例 input.txt output.txt 3 5 15 18 3 14 21 14
That is a difficult problem which i used dynamic ways to solve it. (2017-05-25, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[控制台编程] Max-Multiply

i.最大K乘积问题 问题描述 设I是一个n位十进制整数。如果将I划分为k段,则可得到k个整数。这k个整数的乘积称为I的一个k乘积。试设计一个算法,对于给定的I和k,求出I的最大k乘积。 例如十进制整数 1234 划分为 3 段可有如下情形: 1 × 2 × 34 68 1 × 23 × 4 92 12 × 3 × 4 144 编程任务 对于给定的I 和k,编程计算I 的最大k 乘积。 数据输入 输入的第1 行中有2个正整数n和k。正整数n是序列的长度;正整数k是分割的段数。接下来的一行中是一个n位十进制整数。(n< 10) 结果输出 计算出的最大k乘积。 输入文件示例 输出文件示例 input.txt output.txt 3 2 312 62 实现提示 参考矩阵连乘问题。
That is a difficult problem which i used dynamic ways to solve it. (2017-05-25, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[控制台编程] pc2-9.4.1-3850

SYC经常跟同学玩单机版的“三国杀”游戏。他喜欢把每次玩的输赢记录成一个由 W 、 L 组成的字符串。其中 W 代表他赢了一局, L 代表他输了一局。游戏是五局三胜制,每次在对手之前取得三局胜利则视为赢得了一“场”,若对手先赢得三局胜利则输掉一“场”,无论输赢,都将开始下一场游戏。 现在,请你根据输入的字符串计算SYC赢了多少场。
OK, you are not too bad, em... But you can never pass the next test. feng5166 says. I will tell you an odd number N, and then N integers. There will be a special integer among them, you have to tell me which integer is the special one after I tell you all the integers. feng5166 says. But what is the characteristic of the special integer? Ignatius asks. The integer will appear at least (N+1)/2 times. If you can t find the right integer, I will kill the Princess, and you will be my dinner, too. Hahahaha..... feng5166 says. Can you find the special integer for Ignatius? (2017-04-20, Visual C++, 20782KB, 下载0次)


[控制台编程] huaweiOJ_key

华为OJ c++答案,华为机试刷题库专用,考前必备-华为OJ c++
huaweiOJ c++ answer,prepare for huawei (2015-12-26, Visual C++, 154KB, 下载57次)


[控制台编程] CityPlan

邻接矩阵表示两个城市之间是否有通路,试判断两个城市之间有几种路径 输入:3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 输出:2
Adjacency matrix representation between the two cities have access, try to determine the path between the two cities have several inputs: 312111111111 Output: 2 (2013-09-26, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载5次)


[控制台编程] medo

设X[ 0 : n - 1]和Y[ 0 : n – 1 ]为两个数组,每个数组中含有n个已排好序的数。找出X和Y的2n个数的中位数。  编程任务 利用分治策略试设计一个O (log n)时间的算法求出这2n个数的中位数。 数据输入 由文件input.txt提供输入数据。文件的第1行中有1个正整数n(n<=200),表示每个数组有n个数。接下来的两行分别是X,Y数组的元素。结果输出 程序运行结束时,将计算出的中位数输出到文件output.txt中
Let X [0: n- 1] and Y [0: n- 1] for the two arrays, each array containing the n number has been sorted. 2n X and Y to identify the number of digits.  programming tasks using the divide and conquer strategy try to design an O (log n) time algorithm to calculate this median number 2n. Data input by the input data provided input.txt file. The first line in the file has a positive integer n (n < = 200), that there are n numbers of each array. The next two lines are the X, Y array elements. The end result is output program runs, the calculated median output to file output.txt (2013-09-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载17次)


[控制台编程] shiyan3

海萍夫妇为了彻底告别“蜗居”生活,痛下决心贷款60万元购买了一套三居室 。 若贷款月利率为0.5 ,还款期限为120个月,还款方式为等额本金还款法(即贷款期限内每期 以相等的额度偿还贷款本金,贷款利息随本金逐期递减)。试求出每个月还款的本金、每个月 的利息以及总利息分别是多少元。 若还款方式采用等额本息还款法(即贷款期限内每期以相 等的额度偿还贷款本息,贷款利息随本金逐期递减)。试求出每个月还款的本金、每个月的 利息以及总利息分别是多少元。
Haiping couple in order to bid farewell to " dwelling" life, faced up to 600,000 yuan loans purchased a three-bedroom. If the lending interest rate of 0.5 in January, the repayment period of 120 months, repayment is equal principal repayment method (ie, within the term of the loan in equal installments of principal repayment of the loan amount, loan interest of decreasing gradually with the principal ). Find the monthly repayment of principal, interest and total interest each month how many dollars respectively. If the repayment of principal and interest repayment method using equal (ie, within the term of the loan in equal installments of principal and interest repayment of the loan amount, loan interest with the principal by period descending). Find the monthly repayment of principal, interest and total interest each month how many dollars respectively. (2013-06-23, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[控制台编程] dijkstra

Use dijistra algorithm to obtain the shortest path of the console applet package contains the design report. (2012-05-26, Visual C++, 553KB, 下载6次)


[控制台编程] ferry

某汽车轮渡口,有n辆车要过河。n辆车只有两种要么是客车,要么是货车。已知过江渡船每次能载10辆车,从0分开始每10分钟来一次(即0分一辆,10分一辆,以此类推)。又知上渡船要遵守下述规定:若x分来了一辆渡船所有到大渡口时间<=x分且还没过河的车辆才可能上船,且客车先于货车上船,每上4辆客车必上1辆货车,这时若没有货车就上客车,若没有客车就上货车。试编写一个程序,模拟渡口的管理,统计客车和货车的平均等待时间。 输入格式: 第一行一个正整数n(1000 <= n <= 1000 000),表示要过江的车辆总数。 第二行到n+1行每行两个非负整数type,time(0 <= time <= 1000 000),表示time分到达渡口的车是type类型,type为0表示客车,为1表示货车,时间从0开始计,且按到达时间先后给出数据。 输出格式: 一行两个保留两位的小数(四舍五入)carWaitTime,trunkWaitTime以空格分开,carWaitTime表示客车的平均等待时间,trunkWaitTime表示货车的平均等待时间。
A car ferry port, there are n vehicles to cross the river. n is either the car only two buses, either truck. Known across the river ferry can carry 10 cars each, starting from 0 to once every 10 minutes (ie, 0 a, 10 a, and so on). They know on the ferry to comply with the following requirements: if x points to a car ferry to the large ferry all the time <= x min and it could not cross the river on board the vehicle, and passenger vehicles on board prior to each on the 4 buses will be on a truck, then if there is no vehicle on the bus, if there is no passenger on the truck. Try to write a program to simulate the management of the ferry, bus and truck statistical average waiting time. Input formats: The first line of a positive integer n (1000 <= n <= 1000 000), said the total number of vehicles to cross the river. The second line to the n 1 line per line two non-negative integer type, time (0 <= time <= 1000 000), said the time points to reach the ferry car is of ty (2011-10-27, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载36次)


[控制台编程] DllTest

代码见MyDll和Test文件夹 前者为编译的vc++ dll 后者为调用该dll的控制台程序 因在本站上未搜到此类代码,特试后提供 仅供VC++ dll初学者揣摩
Code see MyDll former Test folder and compile vc++ dll which calls the dll for the program because the console is not found on the site to such code, especially after the test provided for VC++ dll beginners try to figure out (2011-09-25, Visual C++, 610KB, 下载4次)


[控制台编程] Desktop

Scheduling problem backtracking algorithm is the classic problem. Problem Description: Suppose there are n-task by the k-parallel machine can be completed. The time required to complete the task i is ti. Try to design an algorithm to find completing these n-best task scheduling, making the earliest time to complete all tasks. (2010-02-19, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载78次)


[控制台编程] game3

一个小狗追踪人的程序,挺好玩的 还有,对数学建模有帮助
A dog to track people' s procedures were very good to play on the mathematical modeling help (2009-07-09, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载5次)


[控制台编程] 1

在windows 下教你如何定时关机,有兴趣的可以试一下
In the windows from time to time under the teach you how to shutdown, are interested can try (2008-12-31, Visual C++, 714KB, 下载2次)


[控制台编程] Mud

初学C++,试写了个小的文字游戏,望各位大哥指点 (2008-05-05, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载127次)
