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[金融证券系统] Solar-Winds-joy---histo

for MT4 (2015-03-24, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[金融证券系统] Bank

银行排队模拟系统 设计一个程序模拟银行叫号系统。 假设某银行有5个服务窗口,一个统一的叫号系统。在服务时段内,每个时间单位有随机数目的顾客到来,每个新来的顾客得到一个顺序号,排入等待服务队列,等待叫号。 每个服务窗口的职员处理完一个顾客的业务后,顾客即刻离开,职员呼叫下一个顾客,窗口显示下一个顾客的服务号。被叫号的顾客随即得到服务。假定每个顾客需要的服务时间也是随机的。试设计程序模拟上述场景。 要求在服务时段内显示如下实时信息和统计信息: 1) 每个窗口正在办理业务的顾客的顺序号 2) 目前等待顾客人数 3) 每个顾客得到服务之前已等待的时间单位数 并在所有顾客离开后,显示如下统计信息: 1) 顾客等待的平均时间单位数 2) 每个窗口服务的顾客数
Bank queuing simulation system Design a program to simulate the bank calling system. Suppose a bank has five service windows, a unified calling system. In the service period, the number per unit of time customers have random arrival of each new customer to get a sequence number, queued for service queue, wait for the call. Each service windows finished with a staff of customer service, the customer immediately leave, the staff calls the next customer, the window displays the next customer service number. Then get called customer service number. Assume that each customer needs service time is also random. Try to design program to simulate the scenario described above. Requirements in the service period shows real-time information and statistics are as follows: 1) Each window is for business customers the sequence number 2) the number of customers currently waiting 3) receive services each customer waiting time before the number of units And in all customer left, displays the fol (2013-05-25, Visual C++, 2263KB, 下载28次)


[金融证券系统] Bank-savings-system

Personal writing, current savings visit real banking system, with accounts, closing accounts, deposits, withdrawals, transfers, inquiries and other functions. VC++6.0 development, is based on the client and server application development. The use of TCP/IP protocol socket communications technology. Zip file contains: the source code, executable file, use the document, the system structure and function of the document, and another test speech PPT presentation. Content standards, is to learn C++ software development, good material (2011-07-11, Visual C++, 1096KB, 下载36次)


[金融证券系统] gubiaofengxi

C++, a stock analysis system developed by the original code program, to mathematical modeling in the prediction method to predict the stock, aiming at entertainment. (2011-04-03, Visual C++, 18369KB, 下载168次)
