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[模拟服务器] WolServer-E路有你整合版%2811月23日%29

This is all the way you have integrated the legendary world server, you can use ATF3 and 4 and other common engines on the market, you can set up to enter the game to play. I tested it myself, no problem (2017-07-30, Visual C++, 34850KB, 下载11次)


[模拟服务器] bppppserveru

BNB end Jianzhan description, download development. Like Wanpaopaotang friend (2012-09-30, Visual C++, 3837KB, 下载42次)


[模拟服务器] DNFEX

DNF of NPK file changes, novice players to learn the computer files. (2012-05-27, Visual C++, 3973KB, 下载12次)


[模拟服务器] accountserver2010

魔域帐号服务器帐号服务器功能分为两部分: 1、客户端登录线程:取得认证ID号AuthenID。 客户端连接到帐号服务器(以后可改为UDP) 登录后服务器到帐号数据库查帐号 返回认证ID号,并断开连接(如出错则返回错误) 将该认证ID号传给计点线程,转发给游戏服务器,用于玩家登录游戏服务器。 2、实时计点:与游戏服务器连接通讯,计算玩家使用的点数。(可提高线程优先级) 游戏服务器启动时登录到帐号服务器。 玩家登录后实时发送计点消息给帐号服务器。 玩家退出时通知帐号服务器。 玩家点数耗尽时通知游戏服务器踢人。 游戏服务器向帐号服务器查询剩余点数(计点、计时、计帐分别处理) 3、主线程:创建两个子线程。处理界面操作。
Account server functionality is divided into two parts: 1, the client logging thread: obtaining certification ID number AuthenID. Client to connect to account server (can be changed after the UDP) Login server account to the account database search Back certification ID number, and disconnect (such as error return error) Pass the certification total points thread ID number, forward to the game server, game servers for players to log on. 2, real-time total points: with the game server to connect communications, computing players to use points. (Can increase the thread priority) Sign in to game server startup account server. Players log in real time to send a message to the account server design point. Notify the account server players quit. Player Points to notify the game server running out kicking. Game server to server query account surplus points (total points, timing, billing dealt with separately) 3, the main thread: Create two sub-threads. Processing (2011-07-15, Visual C++, 394KB, 下载31次)


[模拟服务器] Ps2

ps2模拟器源码 质量很高,运行速度很快,可以满足一般机子玩PS2游戏的要求
Source ps2 emulator ps2 emulator ps2 emulator source source (2011-06-13, Visual C++, 3742KB, 下载9次)


[模拟服务器] xlWarKey24

Playing ground beast 3 when can be easily switch keyboard to yourself casually habit of soft keys (2011-01-28, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载4次)


[模拟服务器] Games

Use VC++ 6.0 simple realization of a common but--- the classic Tetris game, good fun (2008-09-19, Visual C++, 3418KB, 下载6次)
