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[通讯编程] EBCHr

To achieve error correction coding, BCH, has been tested and test available is the need for plus a drawing statement (2012-08-06, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载6次)


[通讯编程] cmd

Communicate using Huffman coding can greatly improve the channel utilization, reduce transmission time information, reducing transmission costs, but this requires the sender transmission through a coding system for treatment of pre-coded data, at the receiving end will be translated data from the code (recovery). For the duplex channel (ie, two-way transmission of information to the channel), each side needs a complete encoding/decoding system. Test for such messaging station to write a Huffman encoding/decoding system. (2010-12-10, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] 5MT1389E

mtkDVD源代码程序4*16 很好玩的内置5.1环绕音效 大家可以玩一下
MTK SJHJGKHJ KDJF HAJDHNGAK J (2009-04-12, Visual C++, 2551KB, 下载8次)
