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[按钮控件] spaque

网游奇迹的战士配点算法软件,是当初游戏时自己编写来玩的,采用VC编写 (2018-02-18, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载1次)


[按钮控件] n9621

Produced three nails can drag the mouse or keyboard control of a solid rectangle, when a nail to stop moving, press the button can be re-play (2014-09-16, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] Instance-of-CButtonST

强大的按钮类CButtonST实例演示和详解 这里给大家介绍强大的按钮类CButtonST,可以使您的程序锦上添花
Instance of the button class CButtonST powerful presentations and Detailed Here to tell a powerful button class CButtonST, you can make your program even better (2011-12-16, Visual C++, 57KB, 下载1次)


[按钮控件] 8Games

Written with VC++ based on the document/view architecture of Windows applications, based on the document/view architecture of the eight digital games, learning programming in entertainment (2011-12-09, Visual C++, 4317KB, 下载4次)


[按钮控件] myButton

Achieved using a simple function over the button when the mouse button pressed effect, the player information for gdi entry (2011-08-28, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载4次)


[按钮控件] qyzngj

A fun little program. Give your girlfriend for programmers (2011-05-08, Visual C++, 149KB, 下载7次)


[按钮控件] game24point(method5)

(1) 在游戏开始前要进行难度选择,难度选择有简单的,中等的,困难的,根据所规定的时间来进行区分,然后点击“开始”,计时器开始计时,进度条开始前进,且对话框中会随机出现4张牌。 (2) 在规定时间内,在编辑框中输入结果,数字应该与4张牌号相同,判断其所得结果是否为24。然后点击“验算”,此时计时器停止计数,若结果正确,则会显示“你太棒了!”,若结果错误或是输入的数字不与牌号一致,则会显示“对不起,你错了!”。若时间到了,不管玩家是否输入,会弹出“时间到!”。 (3) 若玩家想再来一局,可以点击“开始”,若玩家不想玩了,则点击“退出”按钮,退出游戏。
(1) prior to the start of the game were difficult choices, difficult choices are simple, medium, difficult, according to the time required to distinguish between, and then click "Start", the timer starts timing, progress bar started to move, and dialog box will appear four random cards. (2) within a specified time, in the edit box enter the result, the number should be the same with the four grades, determine whether the results 24. Then click on "checking", then the timer stops counting, if the result is correct, it will display "you re great!" If the result of error or the number entered is not consistent with the grades will be displayed "Sorry, you re wrong !. " If the time is up, regardless of whether the player input, will pop up "time to!." (3) If the players want to come back one council, you can click on the "Start", if the players want to play, and then click the "exit" button, exit the game. (2010-04-13, Visual C++, 1926KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] game24point(method4)

(1) 在游戏开始前要进行难度选择,难度选择有简单的,中等的,困难的,根据所规定的时间来进行区分,然后点击“开始”,计时器开始计时,进度条开始前进,且对话框中会随机出现4张牌。 (2) 在规定时间内,在编辑框中输入结果,数字应该与4张牌号相同,判断其所得结果是否为24。然后点击“验算”,此时计时器停止计数,若结果正确,则会显示“你太棒了!”,若结果错误或是输入的数字不与牌号一致,则会显示“对不起,你错了!”。若时间到了,不管玩家是否输入,会弹出“时间到!”。 (3) 若玩家想再来一局,可以点击“开始”,若玩家不想玩了,则点击“退出”按钮,退出游戏。
(1) prior to the start of the game were difficult choices, difficult choices are simple, medium, difficult, according to the time required to distinguish between, and then click "Start", the timer starts timing, progress bar started to move, and dialog box will appear four random cards. (2) within a specified time, in the edit box enter the result, the number should be the same with the four grades, determine whether the results 24. Then click on "checking", then the timer stops counting, if the result is correct, it will display "you re great!" If the result of error or the number entered is not consistent with the grades will be displayed "Sorry, you re wrong !. " If the time is up, regardless of whether the player input, will pop up "time to!." (3) If the players want to come back one council, you can click on the "Start", if the players want to play, and then click the "exit" button, exit the game. (2010-04-13, Visual C++, 2515KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] game24point(method3)

(1) 在游戏开始前要进行难度选择,难度选择有简单的,中等的,困难的,根据所规定的时间来进行区分,然后点击“开始”,计时器开始计时,进度条开始前进,且对话框中会随机出现4张牌。 (2) 在规定时间内,在编辑框中输入结果,数字应该与4张牌号相同,判断其所得结果是否为24。然后点击“验算”,此时计时器停止计数,若结果正确,则会显示“你太棒了!”,若结果错误或是输入的数字不与牌号一致,则会显示“对不起,你错了!”。若时间到了,不管玩家是否输入,会弹出“时间到!”。 (3) 若玩家想再来一局,可以点击“开始”,若玩家不想玩了,则点击“退出”按钮,退出游戏。
(1) prior to the start of the game were difficult choices, difficult choices are simple, medium, difficult, according to the time required to distinguish between, and then click "Start", the timer starts timing, progress bar started to move, and dialog box will appear four random cards. (2) within a specified time, in the edit box enter the result, the number should be the same with the four grades, determine whether the results 24. Then click on "checking", then the timer stops counting, if the result is correct, it will display "you re great!" If the result of error or the number entered is not consistent with the grades will be displayed "Sorry, you re wrong !. " If the time is up, regardless of whether the player input, will pop up "time to!." (3) If the players want to come back one council, you can click on the "Start", if the players want to play, and then click the "exit" button, exit the game. (2010-04-13, Visual C++, 89KB, 下载2次)


[按钮控件] button

Beautiful glass button controls c#! Trial development in FORM! (2009-06-02, Visual C++, 257KB, 下载135次)


[按钮控件] FDAPI

浮动工具栏(WIN 32 API)?《ぞ呃福╓IN 32 API)浮动工具栏(WIN 32 API)
floating toolbar (WIN 32 API) floating toolbar ( WIN 32 API) floating toolbar (WIN 32 API) (2007-02-08, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载45次)


[按钮控件] SkinDlgDemo

  把自己颜色的棋子放在棋盘的空格上,而当自己放下的棋子在横、竖、斜八个方向內有一个自己的棋子,则被夹在中间的全部翻转会成为自己的棋子。并且,只有在可以翻转棋子的地方才可以下子。 胜负判定条件   如果玩家在棋盘上没有地方可以下子,则该玩家对手可以连下。双方都没有棋子可以下时棋局结束,以棋子数目来计算胜负,棋子多的一方获胜。
Their pawn on the chessboard color spaces, but when their own pawn down in the horizontal, vertical, oblique eight directions, there is a pawn their own, were caught in the middle of all the flip will be their pawn. And only in places where chess pieces can be rotated in order to the following sub. Conditions determine the outcome if the players have no place in the chessboard can be Now, the players can not even under the opponent. Both sides when there is no chess game could be the end of the next to the number to calculate the outcome of chess, chess and more party wins. (2006-05-10, Visual C++, 369KB, 下载6次)


[按钮控件] starcraftv108crk

星际争霸1。08一款经典老游戏喜欢的兄弟顶 我的百玩不厌倦大家来下
a Namco. 08 classic games like the older brother of my top 100 not tired of playing everyone to hurry under fast (2006-04-10, Visual C++, 2266KB, 下载5次)


[按钮控件] 7.如何使字符串输出具有立体效果?

in the application process, the output text shows a three-dimensional effect, we can try. (2006-02-14, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载10次)


[按钮控件] 14_SELECTBOX

This is what I have always read the play button controls for the display of various effects of the use of controls. (2005-04-29, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载7次)
