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[组合框控件] obxp505

在玩‘连连看’,由于时间限制得太紧,总是玩得不爽,于是费半天时间 (2018-04-26, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载1次)


[组合框控件] PropSheet_Test

胜负判定条件   如果玩家在棋盘上没有地方可以下子,则该玩家对手可以连下。双方都没有棋子可以下时棋局结束,以棋子数目来计算胜负,棋子多的一方获胜。   在棋盘还没有下满时,如果一方的棋子已经被对方吃光,则棋局也结束。将对手棋子吃光的一方获胜。
determine the outcome if the terms players on the chessboard no place Now, the players can rival even the next. Both can be under no pawn at the end of the chess game, to pawn to calculate the number of results, the pieces of party wins. The board has not yet under full, if one party has been a pawn out to the other side, the game has ended. Pawn gone to the opponent party wins. (2006-05-10, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载1次)
