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[DirextX编程] main

茶壶 球 长方体 圆柱体 试下一下的图像,但是是静止的,不过带有光源
The teapot ball to try a cuboid cylinder of the image, but is still, but with a light source (2011-12-03, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[DirextX编程] Tank_src

A child played the tank game written using DirectX, DirectX game development novice as reference. I learned to do the game reference code is quite good! (2011-09-13, Visual C++, 3029KB, 下载9次)


[DirextX编程] Intr-to-3DGame-Program-DirectX9.0c-

书名: Introduction to 3D Game Programmingwith DirectX- 9.0c - A Shader Approach 经典的DirectX 9.0c入门书籍龙书的2006年新版本, 相比03年的那般增加了非常多的内容, 包含的技术足够让读者做出一个简单但完整的游戏. 这本书在网上一直只有一个chm的版本, 非常不便于阅读, 现在托亚马逊kindle的福, 官方电子书版出现, 本人有幸获得, 并在此分享.
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c: A Shader Approach presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using real-time shaders with DirectX 9.0. The book is divided into three parts that explain basic mathematical and 3D concepts, show how to describe 3D worlds and implement fundamental 3D rendering techniques, and demonstrate the application of Direct3D to create a variety of special effects. With this book: Understand basic mathematical tools used in video game creation such as vectors, matrices, and transformations. Discover how to describe and draw interactive 3D scenes using Direct3D and the D3DX library. Learn how to implement lighting, texture mapping, alpha blending, and stenciling using shaders and the high-level shading language (HLSL). Explore a variety of techniques for creating special effects, including vertex blending, character animation, terrain rendering, multi-texturing, particle systems, (2011-09-12, Visual C++, 9247KB, 下载13次)


[DirextX编程] 1

函式庫: Windows API SDK Open GL 1.2 DirectX 9.0 說明: 實作紅白機時代紅及一時的坦克大戰遊戲, 玩家可自由操作坦克攻擊磚塊 或是敵方坦克, 遊戲中隨時間也會自動出現如炸蛋超人一樣的補血, 增加 火力, 病毒, 敵人全滅, 時間暫停等物品, 右方為坦克血量與敵方坦克剩下 的數量.
Library: Windows API SDK Open GL 1.2 DirectX 9.0 Description: Implementation of a Red Machine era red and short-Battle City game, players are free to operate tanks and attack enemy tanks, or bricks, the game time will automatically appear as Like Superman' s blood fried egg, the number of firearms, the virus, the enemy Quanmie, time suspended and other items, the right blood for the tanks and the remaining number of enemy tanks. (2010-06-06, Visual C++, 1216KB, 下载7次)


[DirextX编程] gamepool

DirectX prepared a table tennis game source code, in the three-dimensional grasp very well. The game is also very Nai Wan. (2009-01-04, Visual C++, 2566KB, 下载105次)


[DirextX编程] Coolpool

DirectX realize with the billiards game, it has the playability, the whole process is basically a description of the overall structure of the desktop game. (2008-09-24, Visual C++, 8946KB, 下载166次)


[DirextX编程] document

这是一个用DirectDraw做图形处理的全屏幕游戏。操作在屏幕下方。 玩过的人都知道游戏规则,很简单,控制球棒接住球并把所有的方块打掉,就可以进入下一关。屏幕上方又显示level,level越高球速越快,另外每关背景和音乐也不一样。
This is a graphics processing to do with DirectDraw full-screen games. Operation in the bottom of the screen. Played all knew the rules of the game is very simple to control the bat to catch the ball and knock down all of the box, you can enter the next level. Also show the top of the screen level, level the higher the speed the faster the clearance for each background and music are not the same. (2008-07-02, Visual C++, 193KB, 下载9次)


[DirextX编程] 3Dtankonline

DX9 big battle tanks to achieve LAN version. Containing client and server. Can be realized in multi-player LAN play. (2008-04-25, Visual C++, 2269KB, 下载270次)


[DirextX编程] DirectXSDK_VisualC++_game_desing

基于DirectX(SDK)的Visual C++游戏设计 电脑游戏经过短短30年的发展,已经成为影响公众生活,改变公众娱乐方式的重要产业。过去,人们主要是借助电影、电视、音乐等方式来娱乐。而今天,以游戏为代表的电子娱乐正在成为主流娱乐方式。游戏也正在迅速成长为一个庞大的产业。Microsoft Direct X(SDK)是一个基于COM技术的多媒体应用程序开发工具包,它代表了未来多媒体应用程序的开发方向。本文详细介绍了游戏设计基本概念和 Direct X 的构架,包括DirectDraw、Direct 3D、DirectSound,并在 Visual C++6.0环境下使用Direct X(SDK)开发多媒体游戏作为本论文的实例 (2007-09-22, Visual C++, 702KB, 下载118次)
