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[游戏] 3D魔方

Simulation of real third-order Rubik's cube function, the realization of playing Rubik's cube on the computer. (2021-04-21, LabView, 1280KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] my_snake

利用LabVIEW编写一个贪吃蛇程序,实现功能如下:1.设置难易程度及相关的得分 2.小蛇在碰壁和撞尾的时候会死亡,即弹出对话框游戏结束 3.设置时间文本,可显示玩的时间长短 4.利用键盘的上下左右箭头控制小蛇的行动。
Using LabVIEW to write a snake program, to achieve the following functions: 1. set the level of difficulty and the score of 2. will die on the wall and the snake tail hit, that is the end of the game pop-up dialog box 3. set the time text, can show the length of play 4. use the keyboard on the down arrow snake control action. (2017-06-28, LabView, 128KB, 下载8次)


[游戏] A-Puzzle-Game_Guess-The-Numbers

本项目旨在设计一款类似的益智小游戏软件,可实现功能: 经典玩法中每次新游戏开始由系统随机给定四个0-9的数字作为一组,玩家每次猜数请按四个数字键系统会根据这个数字给出几A几B,其中A前面的数字表示位置正确的数的个数,而B前的数字表示数字正确而位置不对的数的个数(如正确答案为 5234,而猜的人猜 5346,则是 1A2B,其中有一个5的位置对了,记为1A,而3和4这两个数字对了,而位置没对,因此记为 2B,合起来就是 1A2B。)。四个都猜对时或者按下停止键后,玩家可以选择是否继续新游戏
This project aims to design a similar puzzle game software, enabling features: classic gameplay each time a new game is started by the system randomly given four 0-9 as a group, each player guessing Press four numbers will be given a few key systems based on this figure A few B, where A represents the position number in front of the number of correct number, and the number B represents a number in front of the number of correct and incorrect number of positions (such as the correct answer for 5234, and guess who guess 5346, it is 1A2B, which has a 5-position of a, denoted 1A, 3 and 4 and the two numbers right, but the location is not right, and therefore recorded as 2B, together is 1A2B.). Four have guessed after the stop button is pressed or when the player can choose whether to continue a new game (2014-12-28, LabView, 1243KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] labview-Forum---lianliankan

LABVIEW-based production of a Snake game, while learning entertainment! (2013-11-20, LabView, 794KB, 下载3次)



A Mario game, only for reference and learning, you can directly play (2013-05-23, LabView, 992KB, 下载7次)
