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[单片机开发] contest

用单片机和FPGA控制的一个游戏控制系统 数码管:不足百位的黑掉 得分后自动切换显示 开关功能: 0:开始游戏:球归中心点,并自动发球。发球方向将与开关1状态有关 1:控制发球方向:游戏中也可以控制 2: 休闲模式:开启后小球将左右自动反弹,不需要按住键 3:球向左下角移动 4:球向右上角移动 5: 6: 7:切换数码管显示的队及得分 按钮: 0:右侧挡板按下(玩家1) 1: 2: 3:左侧挡板按下(玩家2)
A game control system controlled by FPGA and microcontroller (2015-07-08, VHDL, 9639KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] AT24CXX_datas

AT24CX Chinese data files for playing 51 single friends. (2014-01-16, VHDL, 422KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] gamble2

Electronic gambling machines, people can play together, support a reset button and other features (2013-12-14, VHDL, 2KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] COP2000

cop2000 experiment manuals provided by the great good fortune, there are some examples of experiments. (2013-11-10, VHDL, 1427KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] improve

The Du Yang QQ, a series of video, we can pass this to contact him to play with a microcontroller learning (2013-01-17, VHDL, 1KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] cpld1a

猜数字游戏机 这是一个让玩家在一定的规则和系统提示下,推算一个随机产生的四位数的游戏,这个四位数的各位都不相同。游戏规则如下: 系统 随机产生一个四位数,数码各不相同,玩家通过键盘依次输入4位数,输错可以按退格键修改,输完按确认键确认,然后系统判断,如果猜的数字有x个数字与答案数码相同并且位置相同(该条件代号用A表示),有y个数字与答案数码相同但位置不同(该条件代号用B表示),就输出xAyB。例如答案是2639,输入1692,那么确认后显示结果1A2B。然后玩家通过分析再次输入新的数字,直到猜中答案。游戏每局提供10次机会,并且有100秒倒计时,以增加玩家的压力。 本系统采用CPLD作为主控平台,另外用单片机通过I2C总线与单片机通信实现4个数码管的输出。
Number guessing game This is a must for players in the rules and the system prompt, the projection of a randomly generated four-digit game, the four digits of you Not the same. Rules of the game are as follows: System generates a random four-digit, different digital players followed by the keyboard input 4-digit, the wrong can press the backspace key repair Changed, losers press the Enter key to confirm, then the system to determine if there are x number of guess the number and location of same with the same answer to digital (which Pieces of code that with A), y have the same numbers but with different positions of digital answer (indicated with B in the condition code), the output xAyB. Such as The answer is 2639, enter 1692, then display the results confirmed 1A2B. Then the player by analyzing the re-enter the new number until guess The answer. Board games every 10 chances, and 100-second countdown to increase the pressure on the players. The system uses the CPLD as a host (2011-12-25, VHDL, 645KB, 下载22次)


[单片机开发] zoumigong

Gamer by controlling the PS/2 keyboard arrow keys, when the direction of the keyboard keys are pressed, to determine whether the location for the effective, because they are not the location so the location is valid. When the site was identified as an effective, gamers started to show the new location, at the same time when the button is pressed, the start timing module, gamers play games computing time. When the game players to export movement, stop the clock, the time the game locked until the beginning of the next game. (2009-05-19, VHDL, 1498KB, 下载14次)
