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[游戏] CC-Player-Health

The Player Health component will show a health bar and health number in the UI so the player can see how much health they have left. This is useful for games when health management is important. A player Knowing their health helps them be more cautious and strategic. (2022-12-06, Protocol Buffer Text Format, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] CC-Sprint

Sprinting in games can help the player get from one point to another more quickly. This is useful if mounts are disabled (i.e., don t fit the theme of the game) and you need the player to have the option to increase their speed. (2022-12-06, Protocol Buffer Text Format, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] CC-Shared-Pickups

The Shared Pickups component will allow you to place pickups in your game that can be picked up by all players. Instead of pickups becoming a race to who can get them first, every player will have a chance to collect the pickup. (2022-12-06, Protocol Buffer Text Format, 2801KB, 下载0次)
